Action Figure Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne update !

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Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

Umm... No need to be trolls. Nobody is giving EB praise here, Just giving r5150s some credit for his plans
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

got the bandolier started..

Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

Hey look at that, ive got some of those weapon kits! Heres some of mine, saadly no enterbay termie to go with em:(
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

Hey look at that, ive got some of those weapon kits! Heres some of mine, saadly no enterbay termie to go with em:(

nice ! I'm glad that somebody else is working on this rare kit...where did you get the flexible ammo belt ? still not sure if I'm going to use the mini gun..looks a bit small for Enterbay you have another kit of vinyl Arnie by any chance ?

Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

the new version should come with a lot of this stuff? :dunno
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

the new version should come with a lot of this stuff? :dunno

From what I've read on FB, Bill Chan is entertaining the idea of offering a set to upgrade the undamaged T-800, instead of cramming a grenade launcher with an unbroken stock, minigun, dufflebag, and undamaged grey T-shirt in with the BD T-800.
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

that would be interesting, not something I'd be interested in, but I'm sure a lot of ppl would buy that. I'm just hoping the BD version will be completely different in every way from the clean Arnie as shown in the movie.
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

From what I've read on FB, Bill Chan is entertaining the idea of offering a set to upgrade the undamaged T-800, instead of cramming a grenade launcher with an unbroken stock, minigun, dufflebag, and undamaged grey T-shirt in with the BD T-800.

That would be awesome !
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

From what I've read on FB, Bill Chan is entertaining the idea of offering a set to upgrade the undamaged T-800, instead of cramming a grenade launcher with an unbroken stock, minigun, dufflebag, and undamaged grey T-shirt in with the BD T-800.

Wow, thats exactly what we've been talking about in the official EB-800 thread. While I feel for customisers like R5150s and LordRagnar who are working on this very thing and maybe hoping to get commissions out of it I'm happy to hear its being considered by EB.

2 things though:

-how will one swap t-shirts, the instructions recommend against taking off the figure's head
-I'd hate having to choose between Galleria and Cyberdyne looks
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

then why not just wait to customize if it will be easier to get accessories?

reason being the EB teaser was a full BD..he will come with the thumper with a broken stock and probably an empty bandolier..

I do hope EB will make an accessory pack for this just make sense and I'm sure a lot of people will get it..

as for doing this, i love to challenge myself and make things being a model builder...

Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

2 things though:

-how will one swap t-shirts, the instructions recommend against taking off the figure's head
-I'd hate having to choose between Galleria and Cyberdyne looks

no need to take the head of when swapping the shirt..the black shirt is pretty stretchy, I did take of the head when I was trying on the gray shirt i made for him...after that..I didn't bother and both shirt is fine..

Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

awesome, not bashing ht in anyway but already it looks better than the ht version.
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

nice ! I'm glad that somebody else is working on this rare kit...where did you get the flexible ammo belt ? still not sure if I'm going to use the mini gun..looks a bit small for Enterbay you have another kit of vinyl Arnie by any chance ?


Actually i do, i have a fresh "clean version", and a built "battle damaged" version. They need a bit of cutting to get a good pose, not terribly complicated if you have experiance with modeling and sculpting. The ammo feed chute is actually. . . . .drumroll please. . . . . cheap flexible metal wristwatch bands you get at mall watch kiosks. I have wired together two, its very strong, i also matted it down and scuffed it a bit. I just got a hold of a brand new digital camera (thanks Mary!) so woohoo ill be posting clear and hopefully awsome pics of everything for you guys in a couple of days.
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

Hey jack heres some pics of the set im working on for you
Re: Enterbay T2 Cyberdyne WIP...

Oops well they wont load, my comp does that sometime, ill try to post them in a bit, dam technology