Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight
The real "prize" will be both together. I'm curious if Joker would include an alternate Bank Robber outfit, or if he'll only include the mask, or if the mask was simply used as a promotional device. Regardless, alternate clothing changes would be welcome in my opinion, as I believe that it may be a while before we see any custom or third-party clothing in this scale, and it would also provide them an avenue to start releasing 1/4 bodies. It would certainly help flesh out a release such as Batman where we're getting a few batarangs, mines, a grappling gun, and a Pneumatic mangler at most.
I love that we're getting a Wayne head, but I can't think of much use for it outside of a Wayne figure, as he sported the look very little in Begins, and not at all in TDK, the film which these are based on. The only other reasons for which I can think of are as a precursor to an eventual TDK suit figure or for the aforementioned reason of fleshing out the release.