funny thing is larry,i have spare £s to buy it,but somethings holding me back.not really bothered bout''grouchy'' LOVE IT LOL sculpt.but the calm is great.must have a rethink..and i CAN wait i CAN wait.hide me piggybank wifey.
yes will buy this, Chris just buy it u know u want it , Lawrence bought when he saw the grouchy sculpt .. Chris is right price bit steep for bare bones figure.
Bill intends to keep his HD masterpiece line's price keep going up despite what kind of figure they released.
so far I ordered Rambo day 1 as soon as I saw the figure, I bought Batman at Hongkong Ani-com (I asked my friend to buy it for me even though I paid more than $500), I ordered Joker day 1.
But this BL.....I think I'll wait for a bargain. please bill... lower the price!