Enterbay - Way of the Dragon - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

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Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Sculpt looks good apart from the unlike FOF look ;)
WOTD anyone
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection


That sculpt is stellar. & there's still another head sculpt to reveal. Sweet. & yeah, that's WoTD. Imagine a 2 in 1 FoF/WotD set :eek:

I guess the joints aren't going to be covered, even with the outfit on. Oh well. If they can do it properly, I'd also like to have moveable eyes on this. Kinda miss that option. If not, then at least don't paint the eyes all the way to one side. I'd prefer centered, or the way they look in the pic.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

bill commented on facebook.we will NOT use moving eyes as it is for TOYS!!.
so NO moving eyes for the coming FOF 1/4 then.or future releases
BIG BOSS included..cheers BILL.:(
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Hmmm this looks neat,gonna keep my eye on this.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

bill commented on facebook.we will NOT use moving eyes as it is for TOYS!!.
so NO moving eyes for the coming FOF 1/4 then.or future releases
BIG BOSS included..cheers BILL.:(
:lol This is a toy Bill :slap
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

I think what he meant was that it gives it a toy like appearance on the count that they would have to compromise the sculpt for the moveable eyes,which means a doll eye look.IMO i prefer it this way with the fixed eyes instead of what they used to use^_^
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

I would think a PERS/moving eye system would be far easier to implement and look far better on a 1/4 sculpt.

But I don't really care. I generally just set the eyes off center and leave them. The sculpt shown has the eyes in a good position for a right side forward fighting stance and that's all you need really.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Me as well. With moveable eyes be it EB or HT, i never leave it in the middle. Its always looking to the side in the top corners. If its in the middle, its still usually looking upwards.

Gives the HS more attitude and life IMO. I'm fine with the painted eyes as well.

If you let me choose between the above pic, or a unknown result after they cast it with hollow eye sockets like GOD ver.3, then leave as is for me.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

And can we change the thread title to Way of the Dragon now ?
...since there is no mistaking that sculpt for anything else.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Has Bill confirmed this as WOTD? It only makes sense judging by the head sculpts but why was he saying FOF?
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

I think Enterbay should try to "test" the PERS/moving eye system in the 1/4 scale, who knows the result maybe better than 1/6 scale.

Enterbay had experience with PERS/moving eye system so many times & they should learn from mistake on why the last GOD ver3 fails instead of giving up.

If later HT comes out a better solution on PERS/moving eye system on their 1/4 scale figure, what will Enterbay do??
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

I think Enterbay should try to "test" the PERS/moving eye system in the 1/4 scale, who knows the result maybe better than 1/6 scale.

Enterbay had experience with PERS/moving eye system so many times & they should learn from mistake on why the last GOD ver3 fails instead of giving up.

If later HT comes out a better solution on PERS/moving eye system on their 1/4 scale figure, what will Enterbay do??

At this point I think they're chasing their tails trying to put out a figure that stands up on its own.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

getting the title right would help.any bruce fan can see this is WOTD.not FOF.going by the sculpt.but i would have thought moving eyes on a 1/4 should be easy for EB to do.apart from the GOD3.the previous BL'S simple movement work great.
perhaps we'll get a blue suit for FOF and a grey one for WOTD ;)
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

perhaps we'll get a blue suit for FOF and a grey one for WOTD ;)
Well it was mentioned that there would be 2 sculpts, so maybe .....

But I doubt it :lol
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Pre-order will be up on 27/11 - Bruce Lee's birthday

Bill has a photo up on his Facebook page of the sculpt.

Perhaps the best sculpt ...of anyone....ever...
I actually thought it was a photo.I still think its a photo but the comments indicate its the sculpt.
Re: Enterbay - Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee 1/4 Figure - HD Collection

Wow.. the battle expression HS is amazing.

I can boldly say it is as good as Arnie Kim's sculpts. I wonder if i could remove the head on my HD-1003, and replace it with the calm HS on this set. The sculpt was ok on that, but the sleepy expression and the terrible paint apps sorta ruined it.

100% getting this... hope i can hold myself from getting 2. WOTD was my favorite BL movie.