No problem man.Thanks Gipetto for the tips I'll surely be doing that to mine. It sucks now that i have to be extra careful about his face touching his clothing I'm not a fan of that and it downright puts a buzz kill on this figure for me, who wants elvis standing still? that's why im wondering if there is a way to effectively set up a protective coating will keep the dye from seeping through into the plastic?
I've never seen dye do such damage to a figure before, goof off which is essentially acid did not even remove it. it's crazy.
And I agree. I'm now constantly checking this figure to make sure that nothing is touching the face. I feel like I can't even put him back in a dancing pose like I originally had him b/c I'd be too worried that I'd get more stains and this time they may not come out

on the arm i went so far to use a knife I ended up gouging about a mm out of it and it was still black.. it stains the plastic DEEP.
It does! I'm so surprised that with how much I scraped into the chin and cheek that there are not scrape marks. While I scraped, it showed and I was worried but after some good periodical rubbing, the signs of both the stain and the scrape slowly began to fade. but man were those two stains way deeper than I thought they'd be.