Yeah, it’s kind of a gray area to me. Like I get it that different sculptors or makers of various parts are putting in the work and it’s not cool of others to steal that work.
At the same time though these third party companies are technically stealing IP. We all accept it because these characters are owned by large corporations and these companies fulfill our wants but still it’s not exactly right.
Exactly. Without knowing the full details, why this factory is being all morale with the one third-party over the other is beyond me - stealing aside from the other when technically 3step are stealing…
However your see it, they are all still making money off of someone else’s IP.
The factory would make more from both parties, if one of them gets funny about it then they either like it or lump it and carry on with the factory, or they look elsewhere.
In this game you can’t be too choosy or even morale when going down this route.
3step are just as bad as the rest, yes they may be making this gorgeous figure out of love for the property, but they don’t hold a license or the IP rights, but are still more then happy to go ahead and rip the IP holders off.
It’s ridiculous quite frankly. Nothing fair about them crying to the factory about it.
Aside from the IP holders - who obviously don’t see the cost and merit in doing this stuff, everyones a winner to a degree.
Look the other way and everyones happy I guess.