Evil Dead 2 CHAINSAW ordering thread (update)

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Ash heads -available
Cloth set -sold out for the moment
New Ash- boots available
chainsaw -available
holster -availabel (only a few)
evil hand -available

Ash head (moveable eyes)
Deadite Ash (new sculpture)
cabin floor base

That's it Beto, I can't avoid this one any longer. I want it all!!!
Hi Beto. Sent payment for pull string on my chainsaw and painted Ash boots. I have already paid for my chainsaw but I do not see paid next to my name can you please correct this. Thanks man! :wink1:
Ash heads -available
Cloth set -sold out for the moment
New Ash- boots available
chainsaw -available
holster -availabel (only a few)
evil hand -available

Ash head (moveable eyes)
Deadite Ash (new sculpture)
cabin floor base

hey any more heads left beto?
WOW im deffo down for the WIP-

Ash head (moveable eyes)
Deadite Ash (new sculpture)
cabin floor base

Your works awesome bro :yess: