I realize I'm already on record being a hopeless Jadzia Dax thrall, and I think I previously mentioned that I'm re-watching DS9 from start to end right now. I finally made it into season three, and the first episode is a continuation of the Jem Hadar story line where the defiant is introduced.
Well there's a scene about 18:30 in where Sisko and Jadzia are talking about the chances of a successful mission to find the Dominion Founders, and the director decided to go with some extreme close-ups of Jadzia...
That was a bad move narratively, because I got so lost in her blue eyes that I first forgot my name, and then EVERYTHING to do with the episode up to that point. Had to watch it over from the beginning but just after I get to 18:30 I wake up from conscious-less-ness in a disoriented sweaty heap. I think I'm on my 26th attempt to watch this episode and I still can't remember my name...
And I haven't even made it to the episodes where she takes her hair down! I'm setting up a GoFundMe for income replacement.....
Anyway, I'm not sure I even want EXO to make a Jadzia figure at this point...health concerns. Unless the likeness is off, and then maybe.