EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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@nanjin yes I understand that. But do they have the figures already or are they still to be shipped to them?

I'm really excited about getting this figure and I was just wondering.
You know I can't answer any of those questions but I am sure those ordered will receive.

We will review the entire logistics with Data and refine them to more present experience.

Sounds like a sales talk, doesn't it? But it is the way I look at these figures' product strategy, the entire process is compile with a chain of events to create an enjoyable collecting experience (including teasers).

Sit back, while waiting for Data's arrival, watch what's ahead and plan your 1/6 Trek collection. While stressing out on what to collect, Data will arrive to increase the difficulties of making your pre-order decisions. If you are not 100% sure of Forgoing our next release, the arrival of FC Picard will surely make you pull some hair.

Relax, and enjoy the pain. Pain and Excitement usually come one after another. The more pain you experienced, the stronger the excitement you would experience when your 1/6 Trek figure is in production.

End results will be like having a Chocolate, bitter sweet because there will be wrong decision made.

That's how you will fall in love with our 1/6 Trek figure.

Excuse me for acting strange. Not only I have a good report card from MwCToys, things are falling into the correct Space-Time Continuum (things happen on their designated time frame).

Preparing our Phase 2
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WOW! 4 stars nearly across the board! CONGRATULATIONS, Nanjin!

That would hold a lot more weight if he hadn't absolutely cratered his credibility reviewing the Star Ace Harry Potter figures, giving them higher scores, and not knocking them for things he would knock better figures on.

I don't doubt that this Data is great, for one, it actually looks like the actor, unlike the Star Ace stuff that routinely receives high marks from him.

Edit: I just want to be clear that I am not in anyway trying to bring Nanjin down, or take a steaming hot dump on his choices. Nanjin is doing what he loves and that should be celebrated.
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I've always assumed Nanjin did First Contact first as a way to prove his business/operations model with a set of figures in smaller demand.

I suspect TNG or TOS figures will be in larger quantities.
I believe Nanjin has more or less said that the releases will all be quick to sell. He’s going for releasing as many in a short span versus a large quantity from the sounds of things. So if there’s a figure you want I wouldn’t hesitate too much.
I'm geeking out at the thought of seeing something like a TNG Riker, or a Voyager EMH in photos with the bridge or sickbay behind them.

I'm dying to see the next sculpts and uniforms!

Every aspect of Data from the cut of the uniform, to how it hangs, the folding tricorder, the fit of the phaser in his hand...and that it didn't take TWO YEARS to get into hands.

It's a game gamechanging license people. Finally getting the respect it deserves.
I do commend the speediness of delivery for these figures, but you also have to remember EXO-6 is only handling this one property, and on top of that it’s a franchise where a lot of components can be used for multiple releases. Things from uniforms to accessories can all be used multiple times over.

What they’re doing is similar, but also very different when compared to other companies with multiple and more diverse licenses, and that are churning out a lot of figures.
Yeah I know all that. I also know Hot Toys are dirty and renew licenses with the intent of not producing anything so other companies can't make anything.

It's so refreshing to see a company care so much, obsess over every detail, and deliver quickly.

The sixth scale market has become so stale and safe. I love that characters I grew up with are getting this treatment.
I’m just saying. It’s almost an apples and oranges comparison in some ways. Not trying to knock EXO-6 at all but it’s true.
I can’t wait for mine to arrive!

Mike (MWCToys) always does great reviews. Even when I find myself liking a figure more or less than his review ranks it I find the reviews very good, consistent and detailed so reading what he said about the figure as far as it’s quality is fantastic for a first figure from a company (or their 100 figure). Great job Nanjin! It sounds like you delivered above and beyond with Data.

Now hopefully I make it back home before anymore figures go up for order. Any hints on whether any announcements will be made before Wednesday?
I believe Nanjin has more or less said that the releases will all be quick to sell. He’s going for releasing as many in a short span versus a large quantity from the sounds of things. So if there’s a figure you want I wouldn’t hesitate too much.
Obviously don't hesitate. I was just pointing out that he also understands supply and demand. I'm sure most Exo-6 figures will sell out, but it'll take several more days (weeks?) for TOS Kirk or TNG Picard to sell out than it did for the first figure from First Contact.
In my opinion,.people will like Data a lot more when they have him on hand. We will find out in couple weeks.
No doubt about it. Speaking for just myself, of course, after seeing the details in the MWCToys review photos in 4K --- I already love this figure. Home run! The quality of the head sculpt and uniform details/tailoring/fit are at a higher level than the QMx releases, and those were excellent. EXO-6 is superb right out of the gate.
For those asking about space seed Khan, he WAS available at Sideshow. That's where I got mine.

Hoping my BBTS order for Data is fulfilled soon. I've never preordered sixth scale stuff from them and I'm worried I won't get my Data. I'm doing Picard through Sideshow and I've been using them for years.

Does EXO6 have payment plans on their figures at their site? Maybe the next figure announced ill go direct if it's possible to set up an payment plan.
Another review from a different source. A home run review from a different perspective means I am moving the ball forward for another 10 yards gain

1st and 10 - matching down the field to the end zone.

When I reach the end-zone right before scoring 6 points, I will tear down the defense while controlling the ball before scoring a Touch down, and I will go for 2, and I will make your special team fumble the ball for another immediate 6 points gain. I am looking at a 24 point gain before half time (Trek 55)

I am doing what I used to do in Vegas. Describing my progress like a football game.

Enjoy the review, and watch out for the next shocking announcement 😊

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