I know I'm weird on this opinion, but...
Voyager started REALLY strong. The first season, they really played up the whole crews combining and not getting along angle, Kes was really interesting, You've got the who's the chief engineer fight, the Kazon and Maj Cullah became interesting recurring baddies, those creepy Viidiians, the traitor in the shadows, the Betazed murderer, worrying about rations and replacing parts...It's always been sad to me that by the beginning of the third season - I'm thinking it was "Basics" that put a pin in it all and soft-rebooted it - all that was gone and it became a TNG clone/what silly thing Seven of Nine is going to do this week. I like Seven as a character but would totally take pre-Seven Voyager any day.
You also had recurring crew members show up. It makes logical sense that on a ship that small, with no transfers, you'd see the same people over and over again. But after like season two, it was just generic extras showing up and disappearing after an episode.