Super Freak
Once the range is completed & the licence agreement is over, it would be interesting to know the production run of each figure.
Yes I know this. As I said in OP I’m aware of what Nanjin and those close to him have said about this. What their explanation is. What I have no idea is is what is a “certain amount” or “limited amount”. Is it dozens ? Scores ? Hundreds ? Thousands ? Tens of thousands ?
Its interesting to me that these explanations are plentiful , but numbers are kept so close to the vest.
I don’t know who Joost is or what “Batwing by Studio“ is .Joost recently said that he wasn't allowed to give out the edition size for his new Batwing by the studio, so Nanjin may be under the same kind of restriction with Exo-6. In any case I'm not sure what we would gain by knowing how many of each figure are being produced.
There was a fair amount. Couple particularly nasty ones who attacked him and anyone who said they liked a fig. I never understood why he didn't block them. I stopped reading the comments on his posts so I don't know if they are still around.I don't really follow social media but I keep seeing posts in this forum where Nanjin supposedly is constantly battling a number of naysayers and negative posters regarding release schedules, delays, etc., on social media. For those of you that do follow him on Facebook and other platforms, is that really the case or is it perhaps just a small number of detractors or possibly not even the case? Just curious, as the constant gripes comes across as possibly fantastical, considering the quite amazing release time-table that we have witnessed with his figures.
Yeah I'm not really sure where that comes from. There are the occasional people asking for updates and curious about delays, but I don't get the sense there's any anger or criticism over the release schedule like he often makes it sound.I don't really follow social media but I keep seeing posts in this forum where Nanjin supposedly is constantly battling a number of naysayers and negative posters regarding release schedules, delays, etc., on social media. For those of you that do follow him on Facebook and other platforms, is that really the case or is it perhaps just a small number of detractors or possibly not even the case? Just curious, as the constant gripes comes across as possibly fantastical, considering the quite amazing release time-table that we have witnessed with his figures.
From my experience he talks a big game and posts 90% nonsense and reposting Trek posts.
There are always morons ******** on any figure news. The only gripe I have is Voyager being nearly complete while TNG's crew hasn't even started, as well as being hit with multiple preorders in a short space of time.
There was a fair amount. Couple particularly nasty ones who attacked him and anyone who said they liked a fig. I never understood why he didn't block them. I stopped reading the comments on his posts so I don't know if they are still around.
I do feel like his posts have curbed back some, less leaks and teases.
Yeah I'm not really sure where that comes from. There are the occasional people asking for updates and curious about delays, but I don't get the sense there's any anger or criticism over the release schedule like he often makes it sound.
Agreed. I figure he's just projecting the guilt he feels when production schedules don't live up to his boasts. Collectors for the most part are keeping perspective in comparison to other 1/6 companies.Yeah I'm not really sure where that comes from. There are the occasional people asking for updates and curious about delays, but I don't get the sense there's any anger or criticism over the release schedule like he often makes it sound.
I hope we can just ignore it. No need to give it power.
If you know, you know. If you don't, ignorance is bliss.
Saw it too. Had to kind of roll my eyes. Nanjin the creator of great figures I admire. The guy who’s kinda snarky and can’t take any form of criticism.. not so much.Sigh.
I hope we can just ignore it. No need to give it power.
If you know, you know. If you don't, ignorance is bliss.
Especially when he’s not. He has support and boasts about his sales. Where does he think a lot of those came from? Is he trying to turn a segment of us away because we have some critiques of his work? Like seriously he needs to chill out.Playing the victim is getting old.
I was kind of thinking that too. I’ll still support EXO-6 out of love for Star Trek and even though he’s the main guy it’s more than him behind it. Still though a good way to run off customers. I just don’t get what his point even was.The last time I remember someone in the business getting smarmy and leaving was Big Chief Studios. Before that, Randy from NECA at the old moviemaniacs board.
None of these people could take any kind of criticism and preferred ass kissers instead. Nanjin's random post calling the board out is baffling to me. Feels kind of ****** now handing over a lot of money to him now if he's going to insult his customers.