Can we get some announcements soon like pictures of headsculpts or teasers with a PO soon after?
I am stock piling approvals so we would be less influenced by the franchise.Can we get some announcements soon like pictures of headsculpts or teasers with a PO soon after?
TNG version is much younger.Excellent. Just wondering - will the TNG Data have a new sculpt or will it be the FC reused?
Data and Picard aged a lot more beginning around S3 and S4. TNG series will be focused in the time frame before S4.Ideally I'd love a season 4-7 Brent sculpt (87-94). He aged so much more in the films 94-02.
Data and Picard aged a lot more beginning around S3 and S4. TNG series will be focused in the time frame before S4.
Who knows, maybe someday some fans might want a complete war era TNG crew to complement FC Data and Picard.
I had considered providing TNG crew with War Era uniforms, but too bad, beside FC Picard, everyone else worn jumpsuit.
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This is not true.With this plan, we'll never see the crew of La Sirena
No Real Crew, or even with one Rios sculpt, that can then at least be re-purposed to form a full Existential Emergency Hologram crew! [emoji38]
Could be a major malfunction glitch in the "programing"What is all that nonsense above? That can't be true? Its pretty funny though.
Data and Picard aged a lot more beginning around S3 and S4. TNG series will be focused in the time frame before S4.
Who knows, maybe someday some fans might want a complete war era TNG crew to complement FC Data and Picard.
I had considered providing TNG crew with War Era uniforms, but too bad, beside FC Picard, everyone else worn jumpsuit.
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