Except that anyone running a business should understand that the definition of a business that produces product to sell to a customer base is that said business operates to satisfy and please those customers first and foremost. And therefore, any business in this category should be beholden to that customer base to field reasonable questions and respond to reasonable concerns without requiring customers to genuflect and abase themselves at the feet of the business owner before their concerns are deemed worthy to be addressed.
That doesn't mean anyone should have to deal with vitriol or abuse, but expressing a legitimate concern, or even having a difference of opinion on a piece of merchandise one seeks to purchase, has no place in that category.
The trouble is, Voldemort is not running a business to satisfy customers, he's using customers to fund the manufacture of his personal dream collection! And in that light, it all makes sense. If you were building an addition onto your personal residence, and you have a very clear and precise set of plans to deliver exactly what you want, what would your attitude be towards neighbors popping by and saying, "Ooo, I wouldn't do what you're doing THAT way, its not going to look right and we (your neighbors) won't like it."? Your reaction would be "How DARE you! Mind your own business!"
And now you understand.
We should not be forced to stroke Voldemort's ego just to have our voices heard by his, or ANY company we want to work with.
And it's not like we're going to picket the factory if we don't get our way! We "Experts" are FOR SURE EXO's most prolific supporters and providers of funding, and yet we are treated at best like ingrates and at worst saboteurs.... It's not right.
But here I am buying all his stuff without pause or hesitation...