Well – hats-off to Nanjin & team

My MM Spock was delivered a couple of weeks ago, but it’s taken me this long to check over the delivery box from BBTS (too much work, not enough me).
- Love the extra plastic corner protectors between the cardboard outer and printed inner boxes.
- Nice thick plastic bag, delicately sellotaped shut (easy remove tape), and holes in the bag so Australian kids don’t suffocate while not swallowing batteries (what? – too soon?)
- Quality inner box – design & sturdiness.
- Cleverly positioned “parts” so everything is viewable/accessible even if you don’t want to take everything out (not displaying mine just yet).
- PERFECT condition - even the collar on mine was perfect straight out of the box – no futzing needed!
. . . and we already know how damn awesome the sculpt & costuming is!
As a collector & serious fan, you couldn’t hope for better product than this
PS: Am I sad that I felt a chill when holding my very 1st replica of a TOS phaser?
PPS: What are the little black plastic bits at the very back/bottom of the packaging (under Spock as packed) – I can’t bring myself to open the little plastic bag.