EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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You do realize you are speaking for yourself. There are many of us that prefer prop specific not screen specific.

And he's doing more then just talking to a prop guy, he has gotten samples of some uniforms which he matches.

You have a loden green Admiral Kirk because that is the color of the uniform, it wasn't grey.
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.
Oh wow. Where to begin. So much misinformation in one post.

First Nanjin never said any line would be getting screen and set colors EXCEPT TNG. And end of the day he wisely opted to go with the prop color not screen color, since screen color varies between screen setting and even lighting, as you yourself pointed out in you example from TMP.

In your example if we were to go with screen accurate`(as you want) we would need a color that can change from grey to green depending on lighting. Lucky enough that is exactly what Nanjin gave us. So I'm not sure what you are complaining about. A grey outfit that you say you want, would not be screen accurate as you described.

No, you aren't representing anyone but yourself, as I am also. However from the likes and comments that have come since I made my post it would seem there are others that feel the same as me. What backlash are you talking about? I haven't seen anything here and other then Nanjin's comments I haven't seen any on social media either concerning a outrage over prop colors, but I'm not omniscient, so if you can show me where this backlash is please do. I also haven't seen "many" people quit collecting Exo-6, in fact from how these are selling out and the aftermarket markup, It seems there are many people that want these figures.

What is evident is that you are very upset about not getting what you want, or you are trolling. Considering your posts several weeks back about Trek being dead, I doubt you are even collecting this line which makes it look like you are complaining to complain, which makes one wonder why you are here....so you must be here trolling.
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.

Idk, "accurate" screen tones are going to vary wildly so this feels like something they can't win. I think their Darmok jacket is way brighter than I'd want it to be, but at the same time the undershirts on the FC unis (which I've seen people say are too dark/off) look bang-on to how they look[ed] on my TV, and I'd be pissed if they did anything different.

I don't blame them for just sticking with what they can get closest to in reality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.

My Kirk looks pretty grey on the shelf. :dunno

I've seen the set uniforms in person. The color looks accurate to me. So I'm happy.

He also cut off Scotty's finger on the QMX fig. Are we going to complain about that, too?
I have no issue with the TOS or TMP colors he went with, and I've been generally pretty happy with the color choices so far... But then there are others like Kira's hot pink uniform and the dark burgundy TNG uniforms that I'm just completely mystified by, and which don't even come close to the screen used costumes.
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It's been repainted. From Facebook.

"1st of all, this is the same Picard head sculpt as our product pictures. Both were painted by my favorite in-house painter who only has one eye and was a laughing target among a few "E"xperts. The Picard in the pictures were painted about 2 or 3 weeks ago while the product picture Picard was painted around 4 months ago."
So does that mean that this recent photo doesnt represent the production paint either? It's another one-off hand painted sculpt? Or am I misunderstanding?
So does that mean that this recent photo doesnt represent the production paint either? It's another one-off hand painted sculpt? Or am I misunderstanding?
We don't know. It may be the master paint-up that production painters are meant to follow. All production sculpts are hand painted.
No, you're speaking for yourself, I'm speaking for many people which is why there's always been so much backlash about it. Many people quit collecting exo-6 altogether because of his stupid decisions. The prop is green, it's still grey in the movie, this isn't debatable. There's a scene in the movie where he's near the turbolift I believe and he walks under a direct light up above him and you can see the uniform color change from grey to green and then right back to grey for the rest of the movie. This isn't that hard to understand and it's the same situation with the tng uniforms. Unless you watched the whole show live on set while they were filming it, wanting a proper color is remedial.
Nanjin was supposed to alleviate this problem buy offering both colors (which was a smart plan) and then he reneged on that, because of course he did.
Seriously. When you have started a company and made 10s of high grade figures mainly from 90s TV shows that have no right to exist... Then, maybe, you can call other suppliers "brainless". Until then you sound like a petulant child.
Regarding Picard figure...
Would it be possible to use a new Darmok uniform from the set with two uniforms on the old QMX figure? Is the size of these two figures and the body type equivalent?
If so I would go for this deluxe set and give the extra uniform to my existing QMX figure. Sculpt on that one is still strong, but tailoring on the uniform is average at best.
Regarding Picard figure...
Would it be possible to use a new Darmok uniform from the set with two uniforms on the old QMX figure? Is the size of these two figures and the body type equivalent?
If so I would go for this deluxe set and give the extra uniform to my existing QMX figure. Sculpt on that one is still strong, but tailoring on the uniform is average at best.
The QMX body is much smaller and shorter so the Darmok outfit would hang pretty lose on it.
We don't know. It may be the master paint-up that production painters are meant to follow. All production sculpts are hand painted.
Actually, the painter Nanjin referred to, with one eye, is on his painting staff, so it's not a professional reference paint, which I believe came from Violla Wittrocka, but a paintup that should be close to the mass produced ones.

I agree with others on here that this latest photo looks much better.
Actually, the painter Nanjin referred to, with one eye, is on his painting staff, so it's not a professional reference paint, which I believe came from Violla Wittrocka, but a paintup that should be close to the mass produced ones.

I agree with others on here that this latest photo looks much better.
Ah, interesting. That conforms to Nanjin's earlier comment that he doesn't use those "best in the world" painters for the pieces used for product photos--since it would be a result unachievable in mass production, as we see with HT.
It's a nicely detailed sculpt and reflects EXO phase II improvement over the Voyager line, but even with these new vastly improved upon photos, he looks a bit too old and a bit too stocky and short-necked for TNG Picard, IMO.

Didn't stop me from preordering, of course, because I refuse to be convinced or unconvinced until I see him in hand. But I still maintain for now that QMX has the top TNG Picard render. That said, happy to be proven wrong (for the first time ever).