My one for sure nit to pick with Saavik is that her Monster Maroon turtleneck is way too high. And this seems to be a feature specific to the production figures because the height was perfect on all of the promo photos.
Other than that, however, the tailoring is spectacular! Her bridge uniform fits like a glove showing off her EXO body beautifully! The proportion look great too!
As for the sculpt, it’s definitely Kirstie. But if you just point and shoot for photos, you likely won’t get too much detail. This is a figure that needs to be lit from above and slightly forward for the sculpted detail to shine. Hoping to put that advice into action today or this weekend. You might also get into some blank stare territory if you photograph her from straight on. EXO made some much needed revisions to her eyes making them as big and beautiful as Kirstie’s, but they may read a bit “starey” straight on. The 3/4 angle is the money shot!
All in all I’m thrilled with this piece! TWOK is here! She looks really good when lit well! Can’t wait to add all the others…..some day.