EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

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If one VOY officer had to have slightly crossed eyes, a pity it wasn't the EMH. At least then it would have been screen accurate for the early seasons.
Tuvok paid off. Next up, Seven, Archer and Chakotay.

I might get the TMP figures too.

I haven't put this much down so easily on a line ever. Trek is just an easy purchase, and with TNG coming, I am all in.
It's been pretty great with a lot of interesting new stuff on the way :)
So did they mess up the eyes o. ALL the Tuvoks, or could it just the the phot angle? Some shots it looks better than others.

Mine was delivered today, just hint unpacked him yet, so I guess I’ll know soon enough.

Tuvok arrived and the first thing that I checked were the eyes...

Yes, mine were wonky, as well. Looking at the figure, the eye on the left is looking straight ahead. The eye on the right is slightly looking inward.

I think that at normal viewing distances, it won't be such an obvious distraction but it shouldn't have been an issue, to begin with.
Tuvok arrived and the first thing that I checked were the eyes...

Yes, mine were wonky, as well. Looking at the figure, the eye on the left is looking straight ahead. The eye on the right is slightly looking inward.

I think that at normal viewing distances, it won't be such an obvious distraction but it shouldn't have been an issue, to begin with.
Yeah every single Tuvok I've seen posted both on here and FB have had the exact same wonky eye.

So... at least they're consistent? 😁
Yeah every single Tuvok I've seen posted both on here and FB have had the exact same wonky eye.

So... at least they're consistent? 😁

LOL! I noticed that, as well.

Its just hard to believe that whoever was supervising that part of the head sculpt process didn't catch the error early on.

Perhaps it is just an early batch that shipped out directly from EXO-6? Or it was spotted too late in the process and it was decided to just roll with it.

I'm curious if anyone has brought it up on Facebook.
My Tuvok arrived today as well….wonky eyes and all. But he’s has great presence, and the likeness is spot on. You almost have to go looking for the eye issue to let it bother you.

As for discussing the issue on Facebook, I doubt it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Anyone who appreciates Trek and is thrilled about collecting it in 1/6 owes Nanjin great appreciation and respect, because he has been the driving force in getting these very cool pieces to us across two companies now, and we all know full well that we would almost certainly not have these figures in our collections without him.

But he’s so sensitive and quick to snap the whip at anyone who fails to dutifully fall to their knees in abject subservience to his every move that people just don’t/won’t bring anything that could be taken as criticism to him….pretty much ever. And those who dare to break that rule are dealt with harshly, which is a shame in my book. We’d love to be thought of as partners in these endeavors instead of voiceless Thralls (see what I did there). So all most people do is avert his gaze if they have anything other than full throated praise for anything EXO-6 in their brains. I guess I’m just not as smart as everyone else…🤪

Anyway, Tuvok is awesome. Another triumph for EXO and Nanjin. I have him sitting in front of me as I type this up under soft subtle lighting, and I swear it’s mini Tim Russ looking back at me!

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