EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

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"African-American skin tone" lol. As if every black person on the planet is an American.

Anyway, excited about that Andorian.
I'm actually looking forward to finally see Seven next month. The protos look off to me so I didn't order Jeri, although Nanjin said that the final released version looks better than than the mock ups that where on display.

Still waffling on either the Vigilante or Command Seven if it gets made as I do like those versions more.
“A little off” is probably generous as far as the prototype goes…still I am crossing my fingers that the final figure is good!
I think I am in the minority, but I consider Janeway to be a fail too, but I couldn’t pass it up anyway.
“A little off” is probably generous as far as the prototype goes…still I am crossing my fingers that the final figure is good!
I think I am in the minority, but I consider Janeway to be a fail too, but I couldn’t pass it up anyway.
Nah I’m definitely with you on Janeway.
Spotted on Twitter from Nanjin
While this show had potential to be a gritty divisive crew, forced to work together to survive, it quickly became a saccharine dynamic, with a somewhat bland presence, still love seeing the entire Voyager crew realized, and Kim looks terrific.
Hopefully B'Elanna Torres next!
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That’s a solid rendition of Harry Kim, you can see the improvement they’ve made on this line with their later releases. I think Kim edges out Chakotay for top VOY likeness.
Kim: what are they? Salamanders?
Seven: I am unfamiliar with this species.
Tuvok: Analyzing their movement logically, they appear to be engaging in a mating ritual.
B'Elanna: Tom, tell me this is NOT what you were doing with the Captain...
Janeway: Mr. Paris, it looks like we may be about to become grandparents..
Janeway: Tom? Tom?
B'Elanna: :: sigh:: He fainted. :: annoyed:: There he goes ignoring problems again.

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