I received Janeway today! Excellent figure. I do think you need to be careful posing her head - with the double-joint and Kate Mulgrew's fairly pronounced jawline, it's very easy to make her look like Jay Leno if you're not careful.
I love that she can do the hands on hips pose. As always, EXO-6 really knocks it out of the park with the hands selection.
The one nitpick I have echoing others is the wrist joint. On mine, the right works fine, but the left was partially fused and sheared off pretty quickly, despite me being very careful and testing it. It still works well enough that I'm not bothered by it, I can fix it myself with a piece of metal (and I have extra female plugs lying around from other figures too), but adding a few extras in the box would be a big help. Seems like a lot of people are having trouble with it.