EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

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Q (Star Fleet Uniform)
Borg Queen
First Maje Cullah
Seska (Cardassian)
Alpha Hirogen
Species 8472
I'm pretty sure it will change!
Neelix really did grow on me during the seasons. There are moments that are quite touching. He's a good guy.

I was worried I might not be able (as a woman) to look past Sevens tight suit but she is such a wonderful character and I ended up liking her very much.

I did not like Tom in the beginning either when he was portrayed as the womanizer and funny guy but again he has huge character growth. Are you listening to the Deltaflyers podcast with Robbie and Garrett while watching?

They are watching the episodes and then talk about them. You can see what good friends they are, it's often very funny but also very interesting and my appreciation of Tom has grown immensely since I know Robbie better.

Many say that Chakotay is boring but I don't see it myself. He does what a good first officer does - deal with all the trouble in quiet and keep the captain's back free. He supports her in every way he can which does not mean they're not butting heads once in a while when they have different opinions.

So basically - keep watching ;)
I wasn't aware of that podcast before...but I am now! Thanks so much for the tip! 20 minutes into the first episode and I'm already reconsidering my stance on those guys. Haha. This will be a fun thing to listen to at work from now on.

I just need to keep going with the show and truly reevaluate my figure wants at the end, and see if any of these rise to the top. As is, I keep seeing Kes in these early episodes, knowing in advance that she gets ditched in the next season, which is making me sad.

There's nothing particularly bad about Chakotay, per se, but I feel he's just kind of...standing in the background a lot, whereas Riker and Kira, for instance, make their presence known. And sometimes the Native American stereotype tropes have me rolling my eyes. I think the showrunners meant well, but they made a mistake of relying on a known phony to base their cultural history factoids, so some of this stuff comes across silly.

But yes, I shall keep speeding ahead! It's been very worthwhile so far.
I wasn't aware of that podcast before...but I am now! Thanks so much for the tip! 20 minutes into the first episode and I'm already reconsidering my stance on those guys. Haha. This will be a fun thing to listen to at work from now on.


There's nothing particularly bad about Chakotay, per se, but I feel he's just kind of...standing in the background a lot...

You're very welcome! If you can spare the money, go for the Patreon membership. I have the lowest level but you will get even more content with that - some special things like "What do we remember" and "Winners and losers of the episode", a poetry synopsis and also them answering fan questions and also doing interviews with their fellow co-actors or other behind-the-scenes people. I listen to it while doing my daily walks and it's great fun and healthy at the same time.

Not to disconcert you but Chakotay wise you are actually in the good seasons where he had lots to do... in later seasons he really vanishes to the background which as a Chakotay fan was sad to see.

The Native American stereotype tropes will vanish over time too.

Anyway, to get back on topic, my Janeway can't wait to get Chakotay by her side!
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You're very welcome! If you can spare the money, go for the Patreon membership. I have the lowest level but you will get even more content with that - some special things like "What do we remember" and "Winners and losers of the episode", a poetry synopsis and also them answering fan questions and also doing interviews with their fellow co-actors or other behind-the-scenes people. I listen to it while doing my daily walks and it's great fun and healthy at the same time.

Not to disconcert you but Chakotay wise you are actually in the good seasons where he had lots to do... in later seasons he really vanishes to the background which as a Chakotay fan was sad to see.

The Native American stereotype tropes will vanish over time too.

Anyway, to get back on topic, my Janeway can't wait to get Chakotay by her side!
My Janeway needs her Tuvok, the most loyal Vulcan officer in all of the Federation!
While VOyager was never my favorite, I did watch it all the way through and enjoy most of it. That said:

Hirogen Alpha (From Prey)
Maj Cullah
Sulan (The Vidiian from "Faces") As a bonus, he can have two heads, one normal and one wearing Durst's face
While VOyager was never my favorite, I did watch it all the way through and enjoy most of it. That said:

Hirogen Alpha (From Prey)
Maj Cullah
Sulan (The Vidiian from "Faces") As a bonus, he can have two heads, one normal and one wearing Durst's face
Had the same thought about Durst - so disturbing 👍🏻
Yeah taking his face was very off-putting for Trek back then.

Smart that Brian Markinson played both Durst and the Vidiian in that episode.
Had the same thought about Durst - so disturbing 👍🏻
Yeah, it's off putting even today. I'm shocked they gorr away with it then. It's very Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That, and the Vidiian assault on Voyager, really cemented them as one of my favorite Star Trek races.
Yeah, it's off putting even today. I'm shocked they gorr away with it then. It's very Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That, and the Vidiian assault on Voyager, really cemented them as one of my favorite Star Trek races.

Man, I loved early Voyager. They were really good about establishing minor crew at least an episode BEFORE they got killed off, so that you actually felt it. Durst was a speaking character in at least one earlier episode. You also have Hogan, Suder, Jonas, Seska, Carey, Chell - it really felt like a crew. Of course, they then changed to generic one-offs after around the third season. Really thought it lost some of it's charm then.

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