Very graphic pic.
Not for a weak stomach. You have been warned.

(this is going to end up making me cry....)
Very graphic pic.
Not for a weak stomach. You have been warned.
Twitter quote
"RT @nishachittal: Final mile of marathon was dedicated to Newtown victims & Newtown families were seated near bombs."
(this is going to end up making me cry....)
Very graphic pic. Not for a weak stomach. You have been warned.
Very graphic pic. Not for a weak stomach. You have been warned.
NY Post reports suspect already in custody at hospital. guy was hit by his own shrapnel.
Authorities have a identified a suspect, a Saudi national, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds.
The look on his face is like it hasn't happened, like as though even in that moment he doesn't actually believe it. And hardly surprising, I expect he didn't leave his house today expecting that the next time he went home it'd be minus a leg/both legs??
Horrible incident. These people don't deserve this.
I was thinking the same thing.
The funny thing about it, is that they were showing him on the news. I saw him in the news at least 4 times, they were just showing pics of the explosion. And by the look on his face, I Thought he was okay.
Then I saw the picture here............ Oh god...
The look on his face is like it hasn't happened, like as though even in that moment he doesn't actually believe it. And hardly surprising, he didn't leave his house today expecting that the next time he went home it'd be minus a leg/both legs??
Horrible incident. These people don't deserve this.
It's called shock. There have been cases of men with their bodies blown off from the waist down, at yet they are perfectly calm as if they are ok.They speak as if nothing happened.
Very graphic pic. Not for a weak stomach. You have been warned.
Holy ****.
Thoughts go out to Boston.
Damn , i worked on a job site at JFK library 2 years ago at this time