Fact: Sideshow Doesnt have the Highlander licence anymore.

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At the risk of retribution from all you fine Kurganites, I pose the thought: maybe they took the stuff off to say "It ain't gonna happen guys. Give it up." ??:monkey3
Wetanut said:
At the risk of retribution from all you fine Kurganites, I pose the thought: maybe they took the stuff off to say "It ain't gonna happen guys. Give it up." ??:monkey3
Yeah, cause that will get us to stop. :rotfl
Hey if they're that terrified of the Krusade than I say we did our jobs!!!​






TheObsoleteMan said:
The fact that Sideshow erased all traces of Highlander from their site following the big Krusade is a little bit funny though. :lol

No offense Krusaders.[/QUOTE

More proof that Karma is real. And either you like all of Highlander are your a ****ty fan that helped kill the line. :D
denger you are wise. :clap:clap:clap

I also think that 'some' of the kurgans is what turned sideshow off to the idea of continuing the line.:pow:pow:pow
Interesting. Star Trek items are all sold out and I doubt they'll make any more of those yet the links are still there.
Perhaps the removal of all things Highlander means that the license has in fact lapsed with SS and the license is now in the possession of another company. Maybe Sideshow CAN'T advertise it anymore because it belongs to some other company now.

Perhaps you guys might get a surprise come Toy Fair.... :D

However, I wouldn't count on EVER seeing a Ramierez... from ANY company. Sean Connery made sure of that. From what I hear, due to his contract stipulations, his likeness simply is not allowed for ANY Highlander line. To him, Highlander was simply a paycheck... the Quickening was an even BIGGER paycheck! So I wouldn't blame Sideshow for buying the license without his likeness... it was never a possibility.

The contract he had with Bond was altogether different however.
This may actualy be good news for the Krusade. Perhaps NECA will now be able to make a 12" Medieval Kurgan.
King Darkness said:
Oh well. Sideshow did a half assed job with license anyway.

Lets hope HT picks it up and does it some justice. Hell NECA did more with one 6" box set than SS ever did with 5 12" figures.

I love mine, because I love the film so much. But in all honesty SS dropped the ball on these and I'm happy to see them without the license(at least I think they no longer have the license.

Yup, what this guy said:cool:
Figuremaster Les said:
Are we done here yet? :dunno
How many ways can we be told that there will be no more Highlander stuff?

Sideshow llevará no más figuras del Highlander.
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