Spartan Rex
Super Freak
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Same. I think people just like to complain over the littlest of things.
Have you gone to the official FO:Vegas forum?
Peruse the forum and tell me if most of those threads are "little things."
1st patch
- Fix: DLC error/save corruption
- Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
- Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
- Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
- Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
- Crafting menu now filters valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
- Weathered pistol no longer glitches when applying mods
In addition, this patch addresses issues with the following areas:
- Pip-Boy Interface
- Repair Menu
- Caravan
- Weapons and Weapon Mods
- Hardcore Mode
- Perks
- Skills
- Crafting Recipes
- Crafting Menu
- Mojave Express
- Chems/Addiction
- Doctors
- Vendors
- PreOrder DLC Items
- Reputation System
- Radio Stations
- Companion fixes
- Companion Quests
And fixes for the following quests:
- Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
- By a Campfire on The Trail
- They Went That-a-Way
- My Kind of Town
- Boulder City Showdown
- Ring a Ding Ding!
- King’s Gambit
- For The Republic, Part 2
- Render Unto Caesar
- Et Tumor, Brute?
- The House Always Wins
- Wild Card
- Beyond the Beef
- GI Blues
- How Little We Know
- Oh My Papa
- Still In The Dark
- You’ll Know It When It Happens
- Arizona Killer
- Eureka!
- Veni, Vidi, Vici
- All or Nothing
- No Gods, No Masters
- Birds of a Feather
- I Put A Spell On you
- Come Fly With Me
- That Lucky Old Sun
- Don’t Make a Beggar of Me
- The White Wash
- Ghost Town Gunfight
- Restoring Hope
- Bleed Me Dry
- Aba Daba Honeymoon
- Tend To Your Business
- Wang Dang Atomic Tango
- Flags of Our Foul-Ups
- Debt Collector
- Talent Pool
- Left My Heart
- Someone To Watch Over Me
- Hard Luck Blues
2nd patch
This update contains optimizations and stability improvements as well as balance changes.
Here’s a rundown of the balance tweaks we’ve implemented for this update:
Automatic Guns - SMGs, the Assault Carbine, and the LMG are more accurate across the board. They're also more durable. 12.7mm SMG mag capacity increased to 21.
Shotguns - Buckshot has received a x1.2 inherent DAM mod. This slightly incentivizes using buckshot over slugs when enemy armor is not an issue. Magnum buckshot has a x1.3 DAM mod and a small amount of DT bypass. Spread for many shotguns has been lowered.
Hunting Rifle, Anti-Materiel Rifle - Hunting Rifle and AMR now have the lowest spread of all rifles. Hunting Rifle RoF increased, Crit Chance set to x2. Anti-Materiel Rifle's Crit DAM has been raised from 80 to 110 to make it more viable when compared to the Gobi.
Sniper Rifle, Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle - Sniper Rifle and Gobi now have a higher RoF and lower AP cost. Both have x2 Crit Chance. Gobi has increased DAM and much higher Crit DAM over the Sniper Rifle.
That Gun - That Gun is now a slow-firing hand cannon that does huge DAM firing 5.56mm out of a short barrel.
Hunting Revolver – Rate of Fire increased.
Service Rifle - DAM slightly lowered, firing animation changed to the one used by Marksman Carbine, RoF dramatically increased. Spread decreased.
Silenced .22 Pistol, SMG - Crit DAM and Crit Chance significantly increased.
5mm Ammo - Base ammo has 10 points of DT bypass. AP variants have 25 points of DT bypass. This affects the Assault Carbine, Minigun, and CZ57 Avenger.
.308 JSP - DAM mult reduced from x1.5 to x1.3. x2 CND degradation effect added.
Lever-Action Rifles - Cowboy Repeater, Trail Carbine, Brush Gun - RoF has been slightly reduced, AP costs have been significantly increased, and spread has been slightly increased. Cowboy Repeater Custom Action RoF increase has been reduced. La Longue Carabine spread has been significantly lowered.
Dynamite - Larger explosion radius.
Frag and Plasma Grenades – DAM increased.
25mm Grenades - Slightly increased DAM on the explosion.
40mm Grenades - Significantly higher DAM on the explosion.
Missile Launcher / Fat Man - Now have much better zoom FoV and good accuracy. Missile and Fat Man projectiles (not the explosion) have a large base DAM. Both are extremely effective on direct hits, but still potent even if a direct hit is not scored. N.B.: Listed DAM on weapons assumes a direct hit!
Energy Weapons:
Gatling Laser - Base DAM is higher. Against heavily armored targets, this is still a poor weapon. Against lightly armored targets, especially with Over Charge or Max Charge ECPs + Focus Optics + Laser Commander, it has extraordinary DPS.
Tesla Cannon, Tesla-Beaton Prototype - These now consume far less ammo per shot and can be fired several times before a reload. DAM is beefy with an additional 2 second DoT.
Pew-Pew - Lower ammo capacity, consumes far fewer ECs per shot. Still a two-shot weapon.
Melee and Unarmed:
Ripper, Chainsaw, Thermic Lance - DAM lowered, all ignore DR/DT.
Bladed Gauntlet, Mantis Gauntlet - Ignore DR/DT flags removed (were not supposed to be marked as such). Mantis Gauntlet animation/sound fixed.
Splash Damage – Functions properly.
The Professional - 10mm Pistol, SMG added to perk list.
3rd patch
Posted by Bethesda on 4/28/2011:
We realize folks are experiencing some save issues with the game update. We're working with Microsoft on this and there should be a new title update soon -- we've already got a fix in place.
In the meantime, if you haven't grabbed the New Vegas update on 360 today, we recommend you decline the current update until the new one is live. We'll be sure to let you know when the new one is up.
Basically they had to patch the patch.
The 4th patch is due in another week or so and this game has been out almost a year.
According to Jason Bergman, the upcoming Fallout: New Vegas patch solves the ED-E glitch which left many with the inability to play the Honest Hearts add-on, as well as a number of issues that have plagued the game for quite some time now:
“There's well over 100 fixes in this patch along with massive improvements to performance and stability in major areas.
Also a couple of subtle tweaks and other improvements. I'll try and post a list when the patch is released.
Other than the ones mentioned above, we fixed the last (very rare) instance of ED-E disappearing, and added the means to re-add him if he was lost in your save prior to earlier patches.”
“However there was an instance where he could disappear and still be considered with you, which was not good, since it prevented people from starting Honest Hearts. We fixed the most common cases in our previous patch, but for people who had it occur before that, we've added the ability to get him back again. Also there was one more rare case where he could disappear, and that's been fixed. There was also a case where he could die in non-hardcore mode. That's been fixed too.”
As for Boone:
“If you mean the holstering-reholstering bug, yes, we fixed that too.
Also, the bug where Arcade Gannon cannot be rehired has apparently been fixed. And finally, the legendary "lift your weapons over your head 'stomach cam' glitch" has been dealt with, as well as the minigun sound glitch, two apparently common issues frequently reported by players.
Update 1
From J.E. Sawyer:
“The scripting/spawning of NCR and Legion hit squads has been entirely overhauled for a) consistency and b ) stability. I.e., they should appear more reliably in more places and should not be potential memory bombs waiting to go off as they track you through low performance areas.”
Update 2
More news regarding hit squads:
“The scripting/spawning of NCR and Legion hit squads has been entirely overhauled for a) consistency and b ) stability. I.e., they should appear more reliably in more places and should not be potential memory bombs waiting to go off as they track you through low performance areas.”
“Legion/NCR hit squads got a pretty big overhaul. Lots of fixes to all of that stuff.”
Small exploit fixes:
“Since it's a single player RPG, I personally don't care about exploits if they don't crash/break the game. If you want to cheat, knock yourself out. But game designers don't like it when someone breaks their economy. We fixed a few exploits in the patch, but not all of them.”
Regarding the built-in DLC limit, famous for preventing the use of multiple pre-order packs:
“Yes, we removed the hard-coded DLC limit. We honestly didn't think anyone would have more than one pre-order DLC pack installed, so we figured we could wait until this patch.”
For those interested in the story/good endings there is some big news:
“NCR/Followers Alliance totally fixed.”
And most people already know this but just in case:
“OWB requires this patch, so it will be out first.”
If anyone knows any more information, I will update the news post.
If you havent had problems count yourselves extremely fortunate.
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