Faramir prototype pictures posted

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abake said:
Faramir looks brilliant!
I'm not too sure I need the exclusive though, so I might not join the priority preorder frenzy...

Its never much of a frenzy for LOTR 12", is it? I don't really remember. Its been sooooooo long.
Seriously, in person the likeness is dead on. I can't speak for the production figures, but I think when we see some other pics from Toyfair in Feb, many people will be regreting not getting in on him.
Darklord Dave said:
Seriously, in person the likeness is dead on. I can't speak for the production figures, but I think when we see some other pics from Toyfair in Feb, many people will be regreting not getting in on him.

As was/will be the case with Frodo.
King Darkness said:
Costume looks great. Sculpt looks like Triple H. The key word here though is "prototype".

Yup. Who knows what the production figure will look like, but these photos are promising.

You know what I am most impressed about with this figure? The gloved hands. They look simply amazing. Go back and look at the closeup pics of him holding the Horn and I think you'll see what I mean. Great detail.
Incredible as it may seem, I have yet to watch my copy of the extended version of ROTK, which I've had since it came out. Maybe that's why my mental picture of David Wenham gels with this sculpt just fine. There's probably a lot of Faramir I haven't seen yet, am I right?

I wasn't up for a non-Fellowship figure, but these pictures have me jazzed. Ten AM tomorrow I'll be clicking like a fool.

Hey, can you get two? At last, a Van Helsing Igor figure. :rotfl
DAM!!!! I love the 12" LOTR.. Simply Awesome! I wish SS would realse them more often and give the LOTR line more love!!!
DannieDarKo said:
OMG! Faramir prototype makes my nipples hard! :google

Everything makes your nipples hard ;)

I'll be there at 1pm (East Coast) to get him. I just hope he sheds a few pounds before he ships. Still interested to see who the sculpter is.
Bonehead15 said:
I think Faramir looks great.

The sculpt is a tad off but still it's rather good. I'm happy overall.

I think the sculpt is almost perfect, he's just too fat in the face. Besides that, he's perfect.
Darth Loki said:
I think the sculpt is almost perfect, he's just too fat in the face. Besides that, he's perfect.

I agree. That's what I meant by "off."

He's got those puffy Bespin Han cheeks. :lol
Bonehead15 said:
I agree. That's what I meant by "off."

He's got those puffy Bespin Han cheeks. :lol

Which is why I think this is a Falls sculpt. Though I'll be the first to admit, Han looks 10x better in person and is a great figure.
Jedi_Mike said:
Well found my pose for good ol' Fara...


The figure itself looks amazing, the likeness is there I see it more here than in the preview pic but the face is a little too wide for my personal tastes, either way can't wait until tomorrow to PPO this one. :rock

Okay, not to start the bashing (I love the outfit and can see the likeness to the actor in the proto sculpt), but Sideshow needs to get some archery specialists in there to help them design these bows. I am no expert ... but look at that picture. Either the bow is too big, or the arrows are too short. There is no way Faramir can fire that thing with much force ... he would run out of shaft room before he could even pull his arm back far enough (God that sounds dirty :rotfl ). Aragorn's bow was too small, and now Faramir's is off. If they FUBAR Legolas's bow and arrows, I am rioting.
The ranger bows where smaller bows and the gondorian bows are rather large. Now as to how much these would work in the real world. I have no idea.
The sculpt is growing on me, but with that awesome costume the head is almost irrelevant.