Same here hands down. Second would actually have to be the Jawas
Actually, I'm surprised Boba Fett is all that popular at all. He gets, what, maybe 15 minutes of screen time, tops? I've never looked at him as being that amazing a character, besides maybe his cool costume.
Actually, I'm surprised Boba Fett is all that popular at all. He gets, what, maybe 15 minutes of screen time, tops? I've never looked at him as being that amazing a character, besides maybe his cool costume.
Obi-Wan is my favorite character of all, both PT and OT. But, I love my background characters too--Plo Koon and Kit Fisto from the PT, and Captain Antilles from the OT (I love his costume--it's so cool looking! Come on Sideshow, first Praji, now Antilles!).
Actually, I'm surprised Boba Fett is all that popular at all. He gets, what, maybe 15 minutes of screen time, tops? I've never looked at him as being that amazing a character, besides maybe his cool costume.