Favorite Star Wars Characters

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Great pic though the drawings of the Stormtrooper helmets look based off a hasbro 12" figure :lol

They probably were...

I also like Darth Malak for some reason...he just seemed so evil...

Except at the end of KOTOR when he pretty much comes out of the closet, and starts hitting on Darth Revan...

Or, that's how I read it at least...
BEFORE I list my fav's here, I have to say that Madden821 hit the nail on the head w/ his last post, so I'm not going into details about my problems w/ Boba Fett....

1.) DARTH MAUL - I was actually WAITING for a Sith Lord that I really loved - as a kid, I was only so-so impressed w/ Vader - he constantly grew on me and then shrank, and I started to think the mysterious Palpatine was cooler, but when MAUL came along I was impressed, and he reminded me of the EU feel, which I liked a lot. Hardcore before the "Dark Times"...

2.) GRIEVOUS - I wasn't so big on him at first, but after I read the backstory, and found that he had 1.) kicked ass until he was injured by Windu, and 2.) changed his own name to Grievous to embody his wrath (instead of one of those "isn't it ironic that my name is Grievous, and I'm also a terrible villain?"). I thought George had pulled one of THOSE at first...:rolleyes:

3.) PALPATINE - that's right, I'm a Palps fan...

4.) BOBA FETT - what? Fett above Vader?!*)! What blasphemy is this*$&(!!:monkey1:google:horror???

5.) VADER - being a Sith fan, I loved Vader in Ep. V, but George slowly made his character more and more human and less frightening to me, so, like BOBA FETT, he killed his appeal - worst of all, I pitied Vader a LOT, and I prefer not to pity my villains to the extent I did Vader (for instance, I pity Grievous for his horrible past and Maul for being forced into Palpatine's service as a child, but if they knew that, they'd kill me... if VADER found out, I feel like he'd wanna talk about it and be best friends...:banana)

It's funny that the less Lucas liked someone, the more I did... but that has its reasons - see, in order for George to like one of his own villains, they have to be just poor adolscents who got caught up with the wrong crowd (VADER and BOBA, in other words...) - even JANGO was pretty human to me, and in some strange way and anti-villain father figure :)confused:). I enjoy a villain I can understand on a personal level (vengeance, anger, self-hatred, depression, getting screwed by the entire universe...), but I prefer one like Asajj Ventress, where if she knows you pity her, she hates you even MORE for it.
I can see Vader and Boba crying on each others' shoulders, and that gives me gas...:banghead

Oh, and my favorite Jedi is QUI-GON JINN - I love Liam Neelson, and Qui-Gon's character really appealed to me - so I was tense in my seat, just waiting for Maul to stab him - that saber fight changed my life...:horror
So he's #6.) Respectively.
I also like GREEDO for some reason, and PORKINS makes me happy:duh
Umm... looks like I lied about going into my issues w/ FETT, but c'MON, LUCAS!!! STOP HATING YOUR WORTHY VILLAINS AND GIVING BAD CHILDHOODS TO THE ONES YOU LIKE!!! MAN... I know he's trying to be careful not to have a villain become more popular than VADER, but that only PISSES ME OFF!! Basically, VADER can never be my favorite anything again... unless there's a "Jedi turned Sith turned back to Jedi/light side" character category... I prefer VADER to REVAN and KADE SKYWALKER...
As a kid Boba was my favorite because of the cool costume, the mysterious backround, the cool voice and the way he talks to Vader, I didn't even mind the punk way he died. But when I saw him as a kid and saw he was just a clone and then George changed his voice in Empire he didn't seem quite as cool anymore. I still like him but we went WAY down the list of favorites.

I hate how the PT ruined that air of mystery about him. Plus yea his voice was so much darker and colder before they redid for the 2004 versions, I hate Temuras voice as fett. They compromised the Fett character by sticking him in random places and more scenes to justify it.

They stuck in the "unneeded and unlogical" scene added to a new hope were we first see Jabba. Then they stick more scenes of him walking around Jabbas palace and being a ladies man. They made him look like Jabbas ******.
I hate how the PT ruined that air of mystery about him. Plus yea his voice was so much darker and colder before they redid for the 2004 versions, I hate Temuras voice as fett. They compromised the Fett character by sticking him in random places and more scenes to justify it.

They stuck in the "unneeded and unlogical" scene added to a new hope were we first see Jabba. Then they stick more scenes of him walking around Jabbas palace and being a ladies man. They made him look like Jabbas ******.

Thats why I dropped Boba after all these years being my favorite. Jawas have taken his place now.:naughty
Boba Fett didn't die though. He fell into the sarlacc and as we know it takes thousands of years for it to digest you, meaning you wouldn't die the second you fell in. And since then, there has been lots of lots of books where Boba surivied, (in the tales of the Bounty hunters in detail) and since it doesn't contradict any thing Lucas made since Jedi I say he's alive.
Boba Fett didn't die though. He fell into the sarlacc and as we know it takes thousands of years for it to digest you, meaning you wouldn't die the second you fell in. And since then, there has been lots of lots of books where Boba surivied, (in the tales of the Bounty hunters in detail) and since it doesn't contradict any thing Lucas made since Jedi I say he's alive.

You just can't kill someone that badass...

What's that...Jango...Maul...Grievous...

I never heard of any of them...

Prequel Trilogy
TPM-Darth Maul
AOTC-Count Dooku & Jango Fett
ROTS-Couldn't care less

Original Trilogy
ANH-Han Solo,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Grand Moff Tarkin
ESB-Han Solo,Princess Leia,Yoda,Boba Fett
ROTJ-Luke Skywalker,Emperor Palpatine,Admiral "It's a trap!!" Ackbar
From the PT Maul, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu
From the OT Vader, Stormtroopers
I cant 100% percent say thats my favs because i havnt seen the OT in a WHILE ill have to watch em again and for some reason as a kid i liked Bossk lol
For the original trilogy, my fav was Luke..but after the Prequel, Obi wan is my fav character.
From the PT: no one !!! I don't like those movies, they look like cartoons.

From the OT: Darth Vader off course !! also Stormtroopers, Sandtroopers, Scout Troopers and Boba Fett