Sideshow are applying a different harmonized code. I have just received my invoice today from Fedex in relation to VAT charges for my Bucky PF. I was surprised to find that I had been charges at the 20% rate which resulted in a charge of £40.17 + £10 handling, in total £50.17.
This was due to Sideshow stating Harmonized code EU9503.00.9990 - other minature statues of Polystone on the commercial invoice instead of the normally used 9703.00.0000- Original Collectors sculpture.
I rang Sideshow and was informed that this is the code that they have been using and shipping are aware of 'issues' and I am unclear if this will be the standard from now on, although I believe many customers have been/will be impacted.
Not sure if I can dispute this charge with Fedex, but buying direct from Sideshow may have got more expensive for us customers in the EU! At the end of the day this is Sideshow's fault and nothing to do with the Customs at our end.