Ugh, I hate the cape, it's a dammed ball joint ridden mess. Plus, the shoulder joints seem to stick out more in the vid. I really wish Kaiyodo would re-design how they are making the shoulders for these figures. I cancelled my order.
I've accepted the shoulder-joints because they give you some great posing options.
I do agree with you on the cape though. Kaiyodo is at a point where they should consider including a cloth cape (with wires). The figures have enough poseability but to add a poseable cape with WAY too many Revoltech joints is certainly hampering the figure. Nothing compares when it comes to the poseability of Revoltech figures.
I kept my Batman and posed the cape looks GREAT once you get it where you want it to be, the problem is that I have WAY more fun with my capeless Revoltech figures like Spidey, Wolverine, Venom, Cap, etc. as I don't have to worry about moving a cape as well. It takes forever to get the cape the way you want it with Bats. It;s certainly do-able, you just need to be patient.