wtf is this topic all about.
Is this some kind of contest ?
Did I miss something (in the newsletter perhaps) ?
The newsletter, podcasts, rotating banners on Sideshow's site, news stories... over about the last month!!!!
Yes, it is a contest to create a commercial for Sideshow...
That's the problem, they are both SW prints
Just tape a piece of paper over the prints or something like that.
not a bad idea. just sucks because they are great looking prints
Thank you Dusty!
I can't get the required 10 second clip to open in my editing software. Anybody got any advice on that? I have Vegas Movie Studio BTW.
Its a fairly standard quicktime clip, I assume you have the latest quicktime installed and that Vegas can handle quicktime video files. Other then that I don't know, I used Premiere which didn't any problems with it.
I assume the copy of your file plays just fine in Quicktime player, if not maybe you got a bad download, try grabbing it again.