A stock Hot Toys Batman? Ewww
Dayum if Affleck BVS Batman is peoples top choice of figure of the year that's not saying much about the figures released this year is it?. I don't really think its been a great year figure wise to be honest..not like previous years anyway when we had the likes of Hot Toys Battle Damaged Robo & Murphy, Captain Jack Sparrow or Enterbays Battle Damaged T800.
Well, there were many beautiful and awesome high end figures this year, so it would be easy to choose one of those, but I gotta say that the figure that made me full of joy this year had nothing high end, quite the contrary. It was the return of a classic:
The Original Stretch Armstrong!
Batfleck is great and I can't argue with anyone who picks it as figure of the year, it is a superb figure, but for pure fun I have to go with deadpool.