just curious, but what's taking so long with the chris reeve heads? i paid back in august of last year, long before this de nero sculpt was available.
Hi Cap. Lots happened between last summer and now, most importantly, my customer list and who was getting what was lost, due to the total loss of my computer in late October. I lost a LOT of important info then, and have retrieved most of it since, but lots has still not been replaced.
As a result, I have posted here occasionally to please email me at my email address
[email protected] if I owe you work, with your current mailing info, what you got from me, etc., so I can make that info current. I have a long list of all folks I work with, and their online names here in this site, so I can go back and forth and whatnot, and I just looked and your name was not there, so you got missed. Please email me again to straighten that out. There really aren't many names left to correct, but it must have been a while since you last contacted me, so that would explain that.
As for the Superman heads, They are in progress as we speak!!!! This week and weekend for sure! Among those, four full custom figures too, to be finished by the 31st, so I am hip deep in Superman stuff at present. Sorry it took so long, like, since other projects, but I had to redo the mold, which was one of the oldest ones I had, and get more materials, since the first run of Spikey Hicks, Jokers, and other heads, so Supes just took a long time. No other way to put it. Some projects I do get pushed back due to nothing more than workload or a reasonable order for me to do them in. Nothing more. No preference or anything like that, just workload and, if I may be so bold, Inspiration.
The Reeve Superman takes a lot out of me. Maybe it's the whole Christopher Reeve History factor, but for some reason, he is a tough one for me to do, so I wanted to work on him when I was up for him and most ready, and NOW IS THAT TIME! It will be the last time for me also. I have no plans to make more. Ever. WAY too much work. I love making him, and it took me two years to start one back over a year or so ago when I made the first ones, but I haven't had my own since. Nope. I haven't even had my own Reeve Superman since I sold my own over a year ago.
Time to change that, make myself another one amongst all these new ones, one THAT WILL NOT BE FOR SALE, and get out while I can.
I wonder if he haunts me on this endeavor. Who knows. I just know, it is a hard figure to make, and I will be glad to be done with the head. Let others take him on. I am glad I can do those, your's included, and have them for you soon. I hope it will have been worth the wait for you.
Again, email me so I can get your info again. I know I do have one cast for you in here, as I have quite a few.