Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Amazing Les!!! As always, everything you do is a masterpiece!

I find it increasingly difficult to find words to express how awesome you work is, so from now on I think I will just give you applause:D


Official Figure Master Les applause gif. TM.
=Les Walker;796145

Sold me on that amazing De Niro Heat scuplt, got a who's neil figure coming so i'll see if that turns out.

Amazing joker lineup Les, espeacially with all that white paint. White is the worst for painting with i think.
Great Deniro Les!! Holy crap that is fantastic looking. And great work on the Serling heads too, that one was a fun paint job. :rock

And good luck on the deadline man, I hope it all works out for you. I know how hard that can be. And give your Mom my best as well. :duff
just curious, but what's taking so long with the chris reeve heads? i paid back in august of last year, long before this de nero sculpt was available.
just curious, but what's taking so long with the chris reeve heads? i paid back in august of last year, long before this de nero sculpt was available.

Hi Cap. Lots happened between last summer and now, most importantly, my customer list and who was getting what was lost, due to the total loss of my computer in late October. I lost a LOT of important info then, and have retrieved most of it since, but lots has still not been replaced.

As a result, I have posted here occasionally to please email me at my email address [email protected] if I owe you work, with your current mailing info, what you got from me, etc., so I can make that info current. I have a long list of all folks I work with, and their online names here in this site, so I can go back and forth and whatnot, and I just looked and your name was not there, so you got missed. Please email me again to straighten that out. There really aren't many names left to correct, but it must have been a while since you last contacted me, so that would explain that.

As for the Superman heads, They are in progress as we speak!!!! This week and weekend for sure! Among those, four full custom figures too, to be finished by the 31st, so I am hip deep in Superman stuff at present. Sorry it took so long, like, since other projects, but I had to redo the mold, which was one of the oldest ones I had, and get more materials, since the first run of Spikey Hicks, Jokers, and other heads, so Supes just took a long time. No other way to put it. Some projects I do get pushed back due to nothing more than workload or a reasonable order for me to do them in. Nothing more. No preference or anything like that, just workload and, if I may be so bold, Inspiration.

The Reeve Superman takes a lot out of me. Maybe it's the whole Christopher Reeve History factor, but for some reason, he is a tough one for me to do, so I wanted to work on him when I was up for him and most ready, and NOW IS THAT TIME! It will be the last time for me also. I have no plans to make more. Ever. WAY too much work. I love making him, and it took me two years to start one back over a year or so ago when I made the first ones, but I haven't had my own since. Nope. I haven't even had my own Reeve Superman since I sold my own over a year ago.
Time to change that, make myself another one amongst all these new ones, one THAT WILL NOT BE FOR SALE, and get out while I can.

I wonder if he haunts me on this endeavor. Who knows. I just know, it is a hard figure to make, and I will be glad to be done with the head. Let others take him on. I am glad I can do those, your's included, and have them for you soon. I hope it will have been worth the wait for you.

Again, email me so I can get your info again. I know I do have one cast for you in here, as I have quite a few. :D
Hey Les,

I have no idea where you are on my Ledger Joker, but Maulfan just posted a high res of that one pic I sent you a while ago. If you haven't finished him, it might be more help than that smaller pic.

(towards the bottom)

And no, I didn't mean this as one of those "where is my thing?/ when is my thing going to be done?, etc." comments.
Hey Les,

I have no idea where you are on my Ledger Joker, but Maulfan just posted a high res of that one pic I sent you a while ago. If you haven't finished him, it might be more help than that smaller pic.

(towards the bottom)

And no, I didn't mean this as one of those "where is my thing?/ when is my thing going to be done?, etc." comments.

What am I gonna do with you?! :D
No worries bro! Timely hit. Good ref. All is good.

Cool pics too! :rock
Les, I know I will be in tears once I get the Christopher Reeve as Superman head from you! I just have to put it on the DC Direct Classic Superman figure. They will be pure and honest TEARS OF JOY! Ever since first seeing your cast and painted head of Reeve as my personal favorite Superman....I had to have one! Your head IS the best! I've seen ones on eBay by other casters, and customizers...whom I won't name, that are not even half as good as yours. I know that it is hard for you to make really must be. I was shattered when Chris was injured in the accident on his horse. Then just totally devastated emotionally upon hearing about his death. He will always be THE Superman for me. Yes, he became a Superman in real life in his pursuit of spinal cord injury research and funding. His dogged drive to be the best person he could be even though he was paralyzed from the neck down inspired millions of people. This figure will be my ultimate tribute to the man who in my opinion was the best man that has portrayed my all-time favorite superhero on the silver screen! His portrayal touched my heart and soul seeing him as Superman in my childhood. I cannot wait to get the head from you and complete this what will be THE single most important and special figure in my entire collection! I will never be able to thank you enough for all of your help and support Les! In my book....YOU ARE THE BEST! :bow:D
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Wow, thanks Mike. But save that praise for Reeve himself. If it weren't for him, our image of a cinematic Superman would have been so much less. And yeah, I share in all that about his life. It affects me still.

I just hope this meager head of mine will truly be the wonder you hope it will be. At least you will have a Reeve in your collection. That part is cool. I know that desire all too well.
Hang in there! He'll be done soon.
Believe me Les, I agree with you that Reeve deserves every bit of praise and he gets it from me without question. You're right without his portrayal as Superman we would not have been blessed with such a gift from him.

I will take a lot of pictures of the completed figure once I get the head in from Les everyone! I will post them all here in this thread...if it's okay with you Les. I want to show everyone how he turned out. :D
Coupla new FigureMasterpieces:



I don't have a macro lens, so I have to zoom in. Makes focus under lighting like this soft. Best I can manage for now.

Feng's Bale courtesy Xenoviper. Thank you, Les.
Both look really good, though I had to do a double take at Bale, thought he was Adam Goldberg at first and was confused. :D
Well Les, he looks good so far, some changes I can definitely pick up on, I can't wait to get my Wolf so I can really spot the differences. Your Predators are some of your best paint work :rock
Great work on the "Wolf Predator" Les! I love that one, and hope to get me one someday. I still don't have any Hot Toys Predators or aliens yet. :eek:
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