Wave one
Here are some of the heads I have completed. This shot's contents only settles four people's subjects, but are but a part of a much larger group in progress that are almost done.
Sorry for the small image, but I am dealing in huge volumes being finished here, so individual shots are just not possible, and I hope to get a lot more in today and by tomorrow.
Here is
Wave one, some of the independant heads not related to sets:
Coming also are, Selene, Roses, Drakes, Vasquez,
Hudsons, Ripleys.
Also, coming soon will be more independants, Sloth, 9th Doctors, ObiWans, Anakins, Hans, Bonds, Mr Hans, Indys, Serlings, Arnold Termies, Downeys and a few others. Those will be done in the next day or so.
Also started and will be done soon,
Spikey Haired Hickses. THEN, Supermans and
Bales. That set will include your Supes redo Mike. Bear with me. Hickses will be first most likely as they are all farther along. There are several full Superman customs too, so all Supermans are slowed due to that.
Wave one Jokers. Lots of planning going on for those. Trying to clear a lot out first, and doing so.
Within those sets will be other mini sets and singles of ongoing repaints. Lots more singles spread out due to time, and to give me occasional mini breaks from Bales and Jokers.
Second set of my Jokers start at the end of September, if not sooner. Depends on how fast these all above get done. Moving faster and faster, so it may happen sooner. I hope so, but dare not promise speed with my recent luck!
But I am trying!
And to repeat,
IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR HEADS YET IN THESE PICTURES, DO NOT PANIC! They are not quite done yet, but will be soon!
Wave Two to come very soon!