No problem Mooncat. I of course, see your points. I did try to call off the hounds myself. It worked, and if anything, I am now somewhat friends with the person involved, and I am very glad to be. Seems like a cool guy. Not a heavy poster here, and I think he didn't know my status or history. NO WORRIES! I am trying to catch so much up.
I literally stayed up all night last night, painting and trying to get my computer back online again, (answered a Facebook request from ONE person and it turned into an all night thing...thanks all for the kind admittance to Facebook...really busy site!!!)...
Anyway, almost totally up and online again. The computer seems to be working, thanks to the help of one BLIND VOYEUR, and his extreme kindness! (and thanks to DA Josh and WorGar for helping me with ideas and support...) Working on the ability to post pics again, (need programming!) and when I can, I will! TRUST THAT! I have requests for pics of my head covered desk! LOL! IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I SEE EVERY DAY!
Anyway, SOME stuff posting today, some that I can afford, and when the money hits my bank, within a day or so,
LOTS OF HICKS HALL 'O HICKS 2.0!!!! Wait til you see!!! ...and related heads go out. So, all you with Hicks alone, or in sets (waiting for Ripleys and Hudsons etc.) will be seeing some shipping emails this week!!! SOON! I cannot wait to get these off my desk and out to you!
Regarding ALL other things on order. I have not had time per email, as I have been rushed each time, to come up with a realistic order of shipping for all of you. It will take a couple of weeks for many, as I have to split my money between bills and shipping. ALL I do is paint and ship now, so don't imagine me sitting around with Pina Coladas (other than the fun, surreal ones you can trade within Facebook) and partying or anything. HELL NO! All I do these days is WORK! Trust that!
I do have three days of important family stuff this week, Ma has THREE appointments Wednesday, so not much will get shipped out then, an appointment for her plan of care THursday, so that will slow progress some, and my Sister's family hits town Friday, that's her, and her two boys, ages 8 and 10, for Ma's birthday, so I seriously doubt work will get done with two nutty boys poking around Uncle Les's shop...BUT, I will be sending out emails to anyone who gets a shipment.
And a schedule is in progress to post here. I too need one, as I plan to be COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP AND SHIPPED WITH ALL WORK NO LATER THAN MARCH 31st! Call it a self imposed
ultimatum. I need it, you guys need your stuff, and I need a frikking break! LOL!
After which I plan a more appropo plan of pay half, then pay when finished and ready for shipping, and a month by month series of commissions only kind of deal from now on.
Each month will book out, and I will do those by the last week of each month, then ship, THEN take more. Wait lists will become the new order of my life. But no more long waits on my account, or that of familial problems. Should better account for any new surgeries or moves to new nursing homes. Hell, even funerals if the need arises. (MINE?!)
Hope that gives you all some sense of trust in me. I AM working on a cure.
As for what comes when, I may take orders from folks over time, but with the backlog of what all I have to do, and am doing, to make them work well for my abilities, I do sets. Sets of heads or bodies etc. I may have gotten all kinds of varied heads and commissions within a set series, Hicks and Jokers and Bales and Supermans for instance, and sometimes, I do singles, (my word for any heads that are five or less in a set) but always I revolve the workload around sets, or groups of ten or more. There are currently 40 or so Hickses, with lesser sets of other ALIENS Marines and Rips coming soon.
There are 40 or so
Jokers with hair, all started, but not all done yet, and that third option (fourth really, considering my first one ) is gonna be posted later this week for review and consideration. The set will not be available for shipping until I have most of them done. I may break down those within sets, Interrogations, Pencils, etc., and ship each set sooner, but I doubt those will be shipping before I can get some sale money in March, so hang loose. They are coming...
There are 15 Andy sculpt
Christian Bales in progress, many to go with other heads...those will be announced as shipping in the coming weeks. Two or three at latest.
Single sets for individuals, lots of them for a few of you, will be in peices. I have several boxes ready for shipping to some of you, and emails will come soon regarding those. Hang with me you senders of many heads at once! Thanks for your patience!
Superman sets. I am working on suits last, as those take me a long time as is. This year's delay simply made most of them put off due to the work involved, and not an attempt to put anyone in back of the line, but something has to be late in the game, and my desire to get those just how I want them, means I need to do JUST SUPERMAN and nothing else, so I can't overlap that work with all these heads in the way. Unpainted casts will be shipped as soon as I can though. Thanks for waiting all of you.
Please note that when I finish said Supermans, I will not be making any more. I MAY paint Supes heads now and again, BUT NO MORE SUPERMAN FIGURE CUSTOMS! I don't even have my own Reeve! LOL! So, I have to let this one go. Sorry, but he just takes too much out of me. Must be the death and my own guilt about making money off him or something. I don't know, I just know, no more Reeves after this lot.
ALIENS and PREDATOR people. These are huge undertakings, (and the most enjoyed by me, and due to the details, they are ongoing. So far, no one has pressed for them, so expect them in late March. ALIENS especially...but they are coming. Probably last in line of the old stuff.
New stuff. Kits, new heads, new work, April most likely, unless I get windows with other like heads. I will keep you posted here in the thread. I promise.
I know I am leaving out a ton of other stuff, Mummys (winks to Amarcord, yes, prepics coming of him for your review...), sculpts and others, as I will get those done as I go also.
This is not an exact science. Nor can I work in a first come first served manner,
YET, as all this needs to be done when I can spend time on each in a good and proper way. Forgive that,
but when I restart my work in April and later, I will do all work in first come, first served, and lose this lateness crap.
I am as tired of explaining and all that as you guys are. I know. So hang on sloopy! It is all coming!
Hope this helps.
Oh, please don't hit me with dozens of WHERE'S MINE emails, as I cannot answer all of them. I will send each postal info when I ship, and the occasional photos of the work if possible. I will post most stuff here and in my new Facebook page. That seems a good place to do so, in lieu of a blog.
SO, hope that answers most standing questions.
I am tired, but very energized today, after days of painting, but look for more soon.
Thanks all for your support and patience. You have my extreme gratitude.
I hope I can warrant further service to many of you in future.
(maybe a few oldies...maybe...) So please, no more requests for my personal Nicholson Joker! LOL! I do appreciate your zeal though. I wish I could make 100 of them but can't. There will be surprises though, so maybe some will be of interest to you? If so, help me get up the funds for shipping with them. Thanks and see you all soon again.
I think you will be surprised at the volume!
Les out!