Well lets get a move on

cant wait to see the shots im sure they will turn out great!!
Jeez! Man...
if you only knew...
Hi Josh. I appreciate your enthusiasm. I want this one finished when Sean gets it, but here are some interim shots of him to tide you over until Sean gets the more completed version...He will have a new whip and gunbelt and a few touchups when I can get them done...this does show why I had to get Sovereign Shawn's AWESOME Coat! Only makes the figure in my mind.
I am still using the old Horizon kit head on him, and that is all that is left from the original custom figure. The only remaining thing. More for the old paint than the likeness. If I do go over to the newer head, it is just another reworked SS figure and not the same figure anymore.
But, I do like both heads. Any opinions? I am on the fence about it.
A few more shots of this one...
Gathered Loot
I want to repaint his shoes too....not happy with the rushed look to the weathering...seeing Zuno's
incredible weathering technique makes me think this one needs more time before the shoot....
Why he needs a new gunbelt and whip...
I love the holster made by Ben of The Fusion Brothers, and every time I think I have him to my liking, some new part makes me want to upgrade something else on him.
15 years now! When will it ever end!!!???
Anyway, he will be to my liking when Sean gets him. NO more shots from me before then. Sean is the last image word on this figure....