Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Payment sent via paypal for an unpainted Spikey Haired Hicks Headsculpt, Les. No rush whatsoever, whenever you get round to them.

Thanks again,

Space Jockey.
Thanks SJ. You are added to the list. It's pretty full, so you just got in there.

Still burning strong workwise. More to come as it finishes.
Sent ya a PM. :)

Got ya covered WST. Thanks.

Here are a few of the latest heads. I have been burning some serious midnight oil of late, and I am pretty doggone tired, so I just got a couple of the heads together for now.
Speaking of burning, it doesn't help I burned the crap out of my right middle finger tip on a hot stove burner while cooking supper over the weekend, effectively slowing me down a bit, but not for long! :rock

More of the Jokers to come very soon. This shows the tan-made up one, and the drippy style.





Like I said, hope to get the Jokers done by the weekend. The Drippys will be done before then, probably by Friday and all the rest by Sunday for sure.

That leaves all the loose remaining heads, and the start of the Superman and Spikey Haired Hicks sets to finish by the next few weeks.

BTW, the House head at the far right was an indulgence. I got one off Ebay to see if it was all that close. Not bad, but not as sharp as some of the more recent heads I have been able to paint. A so-so in my book.
That's Darren's redo of the SS Obi on the left and the last 9th Doc I had handy there too.
The drippy style Joker really has that gritty feel to him, some serious attitude from the movie in that face.

Ace work Les.

WOW Les! Great job giving joker a makeup flesh instead of true skin, it really has the sketchiness too it.
Absolutately amazing Les! I especially love the Drippy Joker. The subtle details are what sell it. The hints of green in the hair, the yellowing of the tan make-up on the neck, etc. Can't wait to see what you do with my Ledger Joker.

House, while the paint is nothing but fabulous, is a pretty weak sculpt as you indicated. I could tell who it was, but it looks like he has gone without his Vicitan for too long, and we all know that is never good. As popular as the show is I'm surprised McFarlane or somebody has picked up the license to make a talking House figure. I wish Sideshow would.
Got ya covered WST. Thanks.

Here are a few of the latest heads. I have been burning some serious midnight oil of late, and I am pretty doggone tired, so I just got a couple of the heads together for now.
Speaking of burning, it doesn't help I burned the crap out of my right middle finger tip on a hot stove burner while cooking supper over the weekend, effectively slowing me down a bit, but not for long! :rock

More of the Jokers to come very soon. This shows the tan-made up one, and the drippy style.





Like I said, hope to get the Jokers done by the weekend. The Drippys will be done before then, probably by Friday and all the rest by Sunday for sure.

That leaves all the loose remaining heads, and the start of the Superman and Spikey Haired Hicks sets to finish by the next few weeks.

BTW, the House head at the far right was an indulgence. I got one off Ebay to see if it was all that close. Not bad, but not as sharp as some of the more recent heads I have been able to paint. A so-so in my book.
That's Darren's redo of the SS Obi on the left and the last 9th Doc I had handy there too.

Freaking awesome less!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! just WOW!!!!!! is that House next to drippy joker?
I thought that looked like Hugh Laurie at the end. I almost bought one of those sculpts off ebay too.

You did a nice job with him Les. Will you be making an entire custom House figure soon?
Is that Darren's Obi? Is it smaller than the original SSC headsculpt?
awesome painting Les. I really like the joker with the make up smearing, you really did a good job pulling that off. I don't know if it's harder to make it look like the white is the skin and the flesh tones are the make up but you pulled it off. The house head looks really good too.
Great work Les,

Loving the recast of the Eccleston Doctor too with the extended neck. nice and easy mod that.

Love it.
Both of those Jokers are AMAZING.:monkey5

It seriously looks like somebody shrunk Jack's head. Those teeth look incredible.

You continue to showcase why you're called the "Figuremaster".:gandalf:bow
outstanding work Les!!!! Love the jokers, and the house is amazing! i know you were partly limited by the sculpt, but amazing paint job!!!
Wow... :monkey5 ! I love all of those heads. Yeah, you're right about the Hugh Laurie "HOUSE" head. It's okay...but not quite right. But you still brought out the best in that sculpt. I especially love the Obi-Wan, and the two Joker heads! :D
Wow! Thanks so much everyone.

I have been working very hard to not only catch up on this HUGE backlogged workload, and deliver as much as I can to as many of you as I can, but also I have been working to improve as much as I can, every time I paint. So, thanks so much for the warm responses. I won't lie to you, that drippy Joker is not an easy paint, so thanks for all the comments. I can't wait to see him on a figure and see the beret on him. (If anyone has a spare beret they don't plan to use, I might be willing to trade some work for one. I am probably not gonna get that figure that you guys are getting, but I still wish I had some of the nice accessories that come with it.)

To answer a few questions, Coco, yes, I will be making a full House custom. Whether I keep him or not, I can't say, but I have to see that one completed, just to know what I want to do with him. I love Hugh Laurie as an actor, so having any rep of him is tops for me these days.

Sachiel, yes, that is Darren's redo, and it is about the same size as the SS original. In fact, with the beard extension, a smidgeon longer. But yes, the same size.

BTW, today was wild. Well, yesterday and today to be accurate.
It's been a long day, as all Wednesdays are, since I always take my Mom to the grocery store on Wed mornings. That just kept me busy. As did a hard day of overdue yardwork. Neither of those is the thing...what is spooky is that our entire neighborhood is in an uproar over a house being ransacked about three blocks away. Someone broke in during the day, and took everything, and tore it all up. Ransacked the place, right there with neighbors all around. The crooks got away with it all too. They are still at large.

That has had the effect of scaring our usually slow, sleepy little neighborhood, and everyone is in an uproar.
Hell, just a few minutes ago, a dude delivered some meds to the house, and it scared us since we hadn't locked the outer door.
Man! I hate crooks! :maul
Mostly, I feel sorry for the folks who came home to see their home ransacked. And the families across the street from them with kids.

Scariest part is, I was out walking yesterday afternoon, like I always do in this neighborhood in the afternoons, when all this was going down, and for no good reason, I changed my mind from walking down that particular road, right by that house, and came back home early. Now I am like...what the hell! What if??? :google

What a world we now live in. You shoulda seen me out on the ladder replacing all our floodlights today! :D Got to keep the folks feeling safer.

Anyway, back to the grindstone.

More posts soon.
The flesh make-up and dripping Joker heads are phenominal, Les!!! I can't believe how real they look! I can't look at the flesh one with hearing Nicholson say: "I make art, until somebody dies." Absolutely stunning!!! :rock
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