Space Jockey
Super Freak
Payment sent via paypal for an unpainted Spikey Haired Hicks Headsculpt, Les. No rush whatsoever, whenever you get round to them.
Thanks again,
Space Jockey.
Thanks again,
Space Jockey.
Sent ya a PM.![]()
Got ya covered WST. Thanks.
Here are a few of the latest heads. I have been burning some serious midnight oil of late, and I am pretty doggone tired, so I just got a couple of the heads together for now.
Speaking of burning, it doesn't help I burned the crap out of my right middle finger tip on a hot stove burner while cooking supper over the weekend, effectively slowing me down a bit, but not for long!
More of the Jokers to come very soon. This shows the tan-made up one, and the drippy style.
Like I said, hope to get the Jokers done by the weekend. The Drippys will be done before then, probably by Friday and all the rest by Sunday for sure.
That leaves all the loose remaining heads, and the start of the Superman and Spikey Haired Hicks sets to finish by the next few weeks.
BTW, the House head at the far right was an indulgence. I got one off Ebay to see if it was all that close. Not bad, but not as sharp as some of the more recent heads I have been able to paint. A so-so in my book.
That's Darren's redo of the SS Obi on the left and the last 9th Doc I had handy there too.