Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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I just wanted to confirm with you Les that I got on your April waiting list to have you repaint my P2 elder head.
Let me know what you think and when I should consider shipping it to you.



I just wanted to confirm with you Les that I got on your April waiting list to have you repaint my P2 elder head.
Let me know what you think and when I should consider shipping it to you.




Oh yeah! We need to de-red that guy and fast! :D
No worries. Thanks for reminding me. Wait a bit, and send in April so he doesn't get lost in the fray. You're covered. Email me and we'll work that all out.

And thanks all, for understanding. My frustration is, no matter what, I am gonna get as much done by March 31st as I can. Ma is better today, and I still had to go get groceries, cook supper, etc., so she is resting more today. She has tried to cover me a lot in the last few weeks, so I could work more, and get caught up. I am catching up on so much, so thank my Ma some, as her tireless efforts to help me, to her own heath's cost it seems, is one way I am closer to done here. But, I have stopped her from doing so much. More micorwave food for a few more weeks! There are ways around daily work!
Anyway, I will catch up! Trust that. But not to her detriment, so no fears guys. Thanks for understanding though. It is awesome that so many here do care. I tell Ma that all the time. Means a lot too. :rock

There are others here with more to worry about than my daily problems, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them also.
Les, please send my VERY BEST REGARDS to your Mom from me! I know how it is with ailing parents, and an ailing mother-in-law for me here too. But at the same time, the love and support of our parents is one of the best things in the world to have backing you up! :D
Got a care package from Waycross today, and though I haven't been able to shoot many photos yet...because I have to put several figs together's a little tease:


Yes, that's Darren's re-sculpt of Andy's original approved-by-the-licensor official version.

More to come...
That one turned out better on the body that I had imagined. It is often hard to paint these without knowing what they will look like on the bodies. You can't take a lot into account...
Glad they turned out!
And Gruff, LOVE that new banner! :D

Ma is better today. Thank God!
I am tireder...:lol I would be, stayed up til 4am paintiing to catch up, so I am. Catching up. :D.
Thanks all for the many emails of concern though. Thanks guys.

In progress:
bwayne's set
ALL Superman related
Hudson heads,
Spikey Haired Hicks heads, casting and paints
(Not taking any more requests for these now, due to full load)
Loose heads, Aragorns, Ripley's, Drakes, Hans, Lukes, Leias, Serlings, DeNiros, An ALien redo,
Still working on Amarcord's Mummy and Goldfinger full customs, and Damian's several customs and heads also! Thanks Damian! Almost got three of your full-out guys ready to ship!
Plus, LOTS LOTS LOTS more!

Trying like mad to get as much done before my March 31st break, but...what doesn't get done, WILL after the 15th of April, in a cleaner and more updated workspace and living area! :chew So, lose not your faith in me good souls of SSF!

And thanks again for all your patience!

Ma appreciates it as much as I do! :D

Side note:
Started a bit on my now-in-hand Hot Toys Wolf Predator also. SO much to paint on that one! I was so wrong. I thought it was ok as it was, but you all know me, looks likea lot more touchups than I had previously thought. Look for him late this weekend sometime. New video with him finished also. Sometime....

MUCH more to come....
Glad your mom and you are doing well Les, and I find it pretty funny how you've gone from not much at all to LOTS with your Wolf, can't wait to see what you do with it though.
glad to hear your mother is doing better and that Legolas looks as close to perfect as one can get. My uncustomized Legolas will never look the same to me now.
My figures > Buttmunch's figures

No , I'm joking , I just had to put it lol.
Hope your mum gets better soon pal.

:lol This is what keeps me coming back! :rotfl
You guys!

Anyway, thanks about Ma. She appreciates it all.

New finished stuff trickling back in...
Some of Andy's best works! Two of his Rod Serlings, and two of those amazing Heat DeNiros! Loved painting these Andy! You did an AWESOME job on both!!!!!! Can't say enough! The details are fantastic on both!


More to come, with Wolf Predator gathering steam! :chew
(Great thing about having a new Predator around to paint, is they are GREAT variance from lots of human skin and heads...keeps me fresh!.....)

Holy ++++ Les, being a HEAT fan, that is SO Neil, great job dude. I hope someday we see a completed figure with that around here.
:lol This is what keeps me coming back! :rotfl
You guys!

Anyway, thanks about Ma. She appreciates it all.

New finished stuff trickling back in...
Some of Andy's best works! Two of his Rod Serlings, and two of those amazing Heat DeNiros! Loved painting these Andy! You did an AWESOME job on both!!!!!! Can't say enough! The details are fantastic on both!


More to come, with Wolf Predator gathering steam! :chew
(Great thing about having a new Predator around to paint, is they are GREAT variance from lots of human skin and heads...keeps me fresh!.....)

EGADS!! daayum Les. those look awesome. ironically i was just inquiring in the General section about the various HEAT figures because i plan on getting one of these sculpts! i should get u to paint it! and Rod looks incredible too!
Already a week and no answer to my mail.
We have a serious communication problem.

Sorry buddy! WHen did you email? I get about 40+ or more emails a day now, (I miss much...I told you guys I need a secretary!) and in the last couple of days, it's been Ma at the hospital. I actually haven't seen one from you in the last few days, 'cause if I had, I would have answered it.

PLEASE email me again. Fig stuff for you coming VERY soon! :rock
I have to make mention here, I hate it if I miss any messages or emails.
I have been so incredibly busy of late, and it takes me over two hours to check my mails alone (I get a lot more emails lately it seems too!), much less paint and do stuff for my Ma and Pa. Add to that, sheer exhaustion in the last few weeks, so PLEASE ALL, please be patient if I miss your emails or messages! I am all alone here. No help, no assistance of any kind, and A LOT OF WORK!

So, please, let me know if you have emailed and I have missed it. Things like this get me very upset these days. I hate missing anyone's messages.

Sorry, back to your kind words about my work....:monkey1 (Which is very appreciated I assure you!)
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I LOVE it when a great sculptor and a great painter work so beautifully together. Great work Les!
That's some more outstanding work again Les! By the way, did you get my package yet? Let me know. Thanks. :D
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