Figures I want but you don't because it's not Heath Joker!

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Raymond F.

Super Freak
CF Supporter
Dec 20, 2008
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New York, NY
Hah, jerk thread title I know lol. I might change it if things get rolling on this thread but basically I want to use this as a forum to test the waters in a few things I want but i rarely if ever see get suggested. strangely all are from TV shows. I'm keeping it top level (not a lot of supporting characters).

2.5 years ago i aggressively started Tony Soprano interest. I just NOW got that guy on my shelf the way I want him. Even though the series was popular it was not current and we barely got enough interest to see him made.

This will let me see if others are into what I am, Then depending on the response I'm going to reach out to a few sculptors to see if they will take on the project and Start official interest lists then nurse it through to completion.


Mulder (season 6 and up, they had better hair lol)
Scully (season 6 and up, they had better hair lol)

Mad Men

Don Draper

Boardwalk Empire

Nucky Thompson (steve buscemi)
Jimmy Darmody (Michael Pit)


Al Swearengen

Star Trek TNG (would have to figure out the uniforms some how too)


(then go from there)

I'm sure other suggestions might pop up, but seeing if anyone would get excited about the above (I have a hunch old Al might see some love)
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Thread Title of the Year! I'm behind you 100% on the Sopranos. I wish I had one and only hope that you will continue aggressively on getting more characters made. You have my $upport and help if needed! These are a dream of mine to have on the shelf
Thread Title of the Year! I'm behind you 100% on the Sopranos. I wish I had one and only hope that you will continue aggressively on getting more characters made. You have my $upport and help if needed! These are a dream of mine to have on the shelf

Awesome dude! I would totally love to get more Sopranos made including Tony again. Paulie Sil and Chris I would totally love. Paulie in his track suit would be amazing!
Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) from Rescue Me. Gotta agree with you on Mulder and Scully. Though a pretty decent head of Mulder is available.
I'm definitely in for a new Scully and Mulder.

Anyone else want Quantum Leap? Fraiser would be pretty cool too.

I'm in for Draper, but I know it's happening soon:monkey3
I too would like to see to some more original heads.

Ones I keep thinking about are.

Agent Coleson, from Iron Man 1-2, Thor, Avengers, and shorts on the DVD's. Plus he's going to be the Principal in the new Spider-man cartoon.

Stan Lee, because he's been in almost everything Marvel Related

From Tv
Tom Sellick as Magnum P.I.
Stacy Keatch as Mike Hammer. (he was also the warden on prison break)
many others.

Speaking of Al's, how about Al Bundy.
Love the thread title. I see to many want threads for: Tthe latest sculpt has three strands of hair on the forehead but I only want two. Anyone want to start a interest thread?" There are SO many needed sculpts and some are listed above.
Draper is the only one I'd spring for on the list, but...

I'm in for Draper, but I know it's happening soon:monkey3

:lecture :exactly:

Only the sculpt though. The suit is worthy of Kato's attention, considering the inevitable quality of the sculpt.
TNG figures are available from Dragon. A little work and they can be rather decent.
As for figures "other than".... Farscape has been long overlooked and overdue for decent 1:6 versions.
Draper is the only one I'd spring for on the list, but...

:lecture :exactly:

Only the sculpt though. The suit is worthy of Kato's attention, considering the inevitable quality of the sculpt.

If you can get Kato to do the suit:pray:, it will be one of the greatest customs ever. :panic:
Draper is the only one I'd spring for on the list, but...

:lecture :exactly:

Only the sculpt though. The suit is worthy of Kato's attention, considering the inevitable quality of the sculpt.

i be down for draper if it was to happen

i want a michael weston also from burn notice i know one was released yrs ago but it was a lit bit cartoony .
I think the difference is that he's trying to actually get something to happen here, whereas that thread is just a "want made" thread, not a "let's make this" thread.

I think.
So are you saying what you actually want is another Bale head instead? :rotfl.

WGP will be doing characters from the other Trek shows after we finish up the Classic Trek Crew, (with ST:TNG being the next biggest asked for show, particularly Picard), so maybe in summer/fall 2012?
I'm definitely in for a new Scully and Mulder.

Anyone else want Quantum Leap? Fraiser would be pretty cool too.

I'm in for Draper, but I know it's happening soon:monkey3

Yeah, I'd like Quantum Leap figures. That's one of my favorite shows ever.