Film Scores that ruined or hurt an otherwise good film.

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Bill Conti's "For Your Eyes Only" was a terrible Bond score.

What is the deal with Bill Conti?

Man I got to return to the Moore Bond films.. I remember so little of them.. I remember The Spy Who Loved Me. Conti did that one also. Thats got some bad disco tracks in it. I don't remember the score in For Your Eyes only.
I watched The Last of the Mohicans recently and found it quite distracting when the same score was used over and over throughout the film. It was just overused imo. Nice score, but too much of it.

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I watched The Last of the Mohicans recently and found it quite distracting when the same score was used over and over throughout the film. It was just overused imo. Nice score, but too much of it.

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I cannot make it through that film, I am a big DD Fan, and I know it?s supposed to be a great film. But just seems boring and way too much propaganda.

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Ladyhawke — Alan Parson’s jarring electronic rock sections interspersed throughout a Medieval Fantasy is beyond stupid — just as bad, of not worse than the New Age Tangerine Dream score of Legend. The more orchestral sections of Parson’s score are really good and well done, but that rock crap... ugh... someone should have hit him in the head with a golf club for that. I honestly don’t know what the Director was thinking when he admitted he wanted that.

A great loss of a section of really great music was the final battle scene in The 13th Warrior where the director decided to cut out a section of Jerry Goldsmith’s score for almost dead silence during the slow motion stuff — what a waste.
I know this is probably jumping the gun since it isn't released yet, but I hate that dreary Billie Eilish theme for No Time to Die. Terrible considering it's Craig's last(?) Bond movie.

It sounds about as bad as the Sam Smith song for the last one. The only song I really liked from Craig's movies is the Cornell song You Know My Name from Casino Royale. Shame as I really like the movies.
Die Another Day is pretty terrible too. And I personal hate the Sam Smith song (and Sam Smith for that matter)....

But you have to go listen to Moonraker. Go right now. Its terrible. Just terrible. And its Shirley Bassey of all things. Wasted. Like Shirley Manson was on TWINE.
I'll give you Octopussy. It's such a lightweight song, plus it never even says the movie title! I guess they were trying to recapture the For Your Eyes Only vibe.

But I have to say I give Moonraker a full pass (okay, except for the Venice scene), and it's admittedly all just personal. It was the first Bond movie I saw in the theater as a kid, so it holds a big nostalgic spot in my heart. I even like the disco version played in the end credits!
I'll give you Octopussy. It's such a lightweight song, plus it never even says the movie title! I guess they were trying to recapture the For Your Eyes Only vibe.

But I have to say I give Moonraker a full pass (okay, except for the Venice scene), and it's admittedly all just personal. It was the first Bond movie I saw in the theater as a kid, so it holds a big nostalgic spot in my heart. I even like the disco version played in the end credits!

I'm so sorry to hear of your illness. I hope you feel better.


Moonraker was the 2nd Bond movie I saw in the theater, after TSWLM... and I thought Spy was getting too silly for Bond at that age at that time, so you can imagine how I was devastated by Moonraker.

My best friend and I, months before the movie, played a game: what's the worst things that could happen in Moonraker. We made a list:
Jaws talks
Jaws helps Bond
Jaws doesn't die again
Jaws gets a girlfriend

All these things came true plus a few more that I can't remember... things like 'the space effects end up sucking' and 'they make a joke out of the opening sequence'... never thought they'd ALL come true in one movie. I remember us both walking out of that movie like someone had dumped water all over us. It was a long walk home
The first Bond I saw in the cinema was License To Kill. Surprised I was allowed in to that one, if memory serves it had a higher age cert and I would have been 7. Next one I saw was Tomorrow Never Dies, skipped GoldenEye for some reason.
I'm so sorry to hear of your illness. I hope you feel better.


Moonraker was the 2nd Bond movie I saw in the theater, after TSWLM... and I thought Spy was getting too silly for Bond at that age at that time, so you can imagine how I was devastated by Moonraker.

My best friend and I, months before the movie, played a game: what's the worst things that could happen in Moonraker. We made a list:
Jaws talks
Jaws helps Bond
Jaws doesn't die again
Jaws gets a girlfriend

All these things came true plus a few more that I can't remember... things like 'the space effects end up sucking' and 'they make a joke out of the opening sequence'... never thought they'd ALL come true in one movie. I remember us both walking out of that movie like someone had dumped water all over us. It was a long walk home


I was 6(!) when I saw Moonraker, and it was my first Bond film ever. Well, I have a very vague memory of seeing Dr. No when I was even younger (I just remember the scene where he takes the hair off his head and sticks it to the door in order to see if anyone has entered his room while he was away), but Moonraker was the first Bond movie I was aware of and was looking forward to seeing.

My mom was actually a big Bond fan, Live and Let Die being her favorite. My uncles were big Bond fans too, so from a very young age I had heard a lot about this secret agent and his grand adventures. Oddly enough I had never even seen any of the movies on TV up to that point. So when I first saw the commercial for this new Bond movie coming out, I was really excited about it! I was also a big Star Wars fan of course, so this new adventure with him in space was like a perfect mix! At the age I was, everything was great--creepy villains like Jaws, cool gadgets, outer space!

Obviously now I can see how off the rails Moonraker was. But at 6 years old, it delivered. Shortly after that I finally started catching the movies on TV, and I remember how much of a big deal TSWLM was when it aired. It was the big ABC Sunday Night Movie event. I remember it felt SO LONG, especially getting to that final denoument on the water city.

Even FYEO seemed so dull to me when it came out 2 years later. Especially compared to my new favorite movie that year, Raiders of the Lost Ark! I can now appreciate FYEO, but back then, it was missing everything I enjoyed about the previous Bond movies. No gadgets, no gimicky henchman, they even destroyed the car before he even got to use it!
Mad OLD Lu... I'm older than you! I should be Old-Gar.

Bond was huge in my household and for kids in general around where I grew up. Always big event movies when the ABC Sunday Night movie played a Bond... then the school yard chatter the next day about how awesome it was.

But I grew up on Bond on TV, the old Connerys... so when I finally got to the theater to see TSWLM it seemed kind of jokey and comedic, but I loved all the stuff: gadgets, girls, villains. But I built up Moonraker so much in my head -- Bond goes to space -- especially after Star Wars, that it just seemed like a campy comedy between Jaws' antics, the Marlboro commercials, the silly way the villains died, everything ended in a punch line. It wasn't the Bond I was used to. I had no idea that was what Bond was to become.

Of course now with Craig I think they've swung too far in the other direction -- no more fun and sarcastic entertainment with big villains, super bases, gadgets and great set-pieces.

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