I wouldn’t mind waiting at all just because of how clean their headsculpts come out. That Rem would be so amazingIt would definitely be cool to see ryuk and rem but they might have to develop new body for those probably take sometime as well.

I wouldn’t mind waiting at all just because of how clean their headsculpts come out. That Rem would be so amazingIt would definitely be cool to see ryuk and rem but they might have to develop new body for those probably take sometime as well.
I need the preorder nooowwsup guys, soon.
Welcome back Walter! Thanks for the update, love the pics, glad you're back. Looking forward to more updates!sup guys, soon.
I had the same thing! They said it must have went to my junk folder, but I check it all the time and then I saw my order was canceled. Luckily I saw it quick enough to get the standard Zack, but couldn't get the extra body for it.Anybody got a lead on the standard Zack? Had it on order at gundamit which was canceled!!! I looked in my email and found no request for payment but they said they messaged me in august....... so yeah F me.
So yeah, if anyone has the lead on one that would be greatly appreciated!
Glad Walter is back!
also did ya guys get these 1/12 scale stuff? the barret aint that bad!
Because its not Barret, its Berserket Beretta! (Why am I hearing Sailor Moon music in my head right now?Turned out way better than I expected, still can't figure out why they gave him a cigar with his neutral head though. Baffling.
Damnit I wish someone would do this properly in 1/6. That looks really good.Glad Walter is back!
also did ya guys get these 1/12 scale stuff? the barret aint that bad!
Fighting Shinra by Makolight...Because its not Barret, its Berserket Beretta! (Why am I hearing Sailor Moon music in my head right now?)
Looks like the gun arm may attach at the wrist. May as well include the stock hands.Why does that 1/12 Barret come with right hands lol ?
Technically the figure is accurate, it's just before... The incident.It actually includes a right arm basing from the photos. Oddly it wasnt there when they were taking pics of the other accessories XD
sup guys,sup guys, soon.
Walter88, I'm so glad you're back.
Is the AC CLoud mass production going smoothly?
Cloud launch won't be delayed like Zacks, right??
Funny you ask! I just took pics the other day and forgot to post.For those of you who kept the gametoys clouds seamless arms bent ever since you got it, how is it going so far? pics?
Welcome aboard! I’m glad you were able to get what you wanted!Hi there! I'm new here! I have been following this thread for some time, after finished reading all 275 pages, I finally got myself to register an account and join the club.
It's a shame that I only came to know about Gametoys since end of September this year... But gladly I manage to secure a "late" pre-order for AC Cloud + Fenrir (with the price USD420) it's not as cheap as the original PO price, but still acceptable.
Too bad the Remake Cloud is sold out everywhere, I only managed to get one Cloud + Daytona Deluxe set through chinese website with crazy price around USD520including shipping fee to my county (Malaysia)... Hope it worth the price!
I didn't purchase Sephiroth & Zack as I spent too much in short period, but I'll definitely pre-order Light Yagami from Gametoys!
Btw, I'm one of the lucky members to join the same community chat group with Walter88, the pre-order for Death Note is coming real soon , maybe today (11 Nov) or tomorrow so don't forget to secure your pre-orders, guys! Cheerz!
Remarks : Hope ya all don't mind my poor English, I'm a Chinese from Malaysia.