Missed my opportunity to PO AC Cloud at release, so if anyone from the U.S. is willing to give up a spare, I’m here!!

The fastest shop that open preorder/release stock for gt,roc figure.Is cmwarehouse on Taobao a legit seller for game toys / rocket toys?
The fastest shop that open preorder/release stock for gt,roc figure.
Rumors said shop owner is gt boss friend hence the fast action. And the shop only focus on gt and roc now.
View attachment 646593
Says $60 for sea shipping and $83 for express air shipping for me.I would have taken it immediately but not from Canada
Btw, KGHobby has her up for $243, wonder how much they’ll charge for shipping though![]()
So Badass, this Perfection!
Bro write a novel about plasticNoctis already?
They should slow that down until they wrap up the FFVII Remake lineup. I feel like focusing on one specific game (to include Advent Children as well, since it’s part of the same continuity) for now is preferred. Starting up on figures from another Final Fantasy game and then not finishing either line, due to any unforeseen circumstances (and I don’t say that lightly) would just suck. Maybe they should just approach Squeenix, so we can get licensed **** with some passion behind it.
Before anyone gets their panties in a twist, I have nearly all of the PAK FFVII figures. Or at least, most of the main cast and all of the party members, save for Yuffie (which should be getting a normal version soonish?). I’ve decided to opt for the Dirge Vincent and AC Cid and skip whatever Remake looks they decide to go for. So, I do feel SE puts passion behind their in-house stuff, but it does miss the mark from time to time. Tifa and Aerith were letdowns, as was that early preview 1.0 Cloud.
Anyway, while I love Final Fantasy as a whole, specifically the Final Fantasy VII “remake” and Final Fantasy XIII, I could never truly get into FFXV. I played through it once and, while I enjoyed it, I’m not sure I would go hard collecting figures from that game. I have Cindy, Lunafreya and the Noctis 2.0 PAK did years ago. And I only got those because they were on sale, to be honest.
Now, if Gametoys ever delves into FFXIII though, I’m ******. I own every PAK figure made from the first game, as well as the Dissidia Lightning, which effectively served as a 2.0 of that awful first figure. But yeah, I’d say definitely wait to tap into that first game in at least six or seven years, please Gametoys. Give us a breather. Lord help those of you with an unhealthy attachment to FFX, when they decide to head in that direction.
As for this Tifa announcement, I think she’s pretty good. Far better than anything before it. Save for maybe that custom PT Studios sculpt? I feel like that one is the only one capable of competing with the Gametoys release at this point. Toys Era might put forth a good effort as well? Assuming they go beyond just Aerith.
That’s not to say this Tifa figure doesn’t need some minor tweaks though. Her lip line needs to be more defined. That’s easily fixed with paint. The eyes are trickier. I feel like that’s the most difficult issue with getting Tifa figures just right. Concerning the Gametoys prototype, her bottom lashes are way too long and pronounced. And the eyeliner is far too thick on the bottom lash line. Those two factors combined are serving to throw her eyes off a fair bit. That’s not subjective, that’s fact. Look at hi-def pictures of her face from in-game and then look at the prototype images. It’s clear as day.
Of all the criticisms so far, I’m surprised that no one has mentioned that one yet, that I’ve seen? I also feel like the corner of her lashes doesn’t quite have the same shape or thickness as the game model? That could be a stretch though and I could very well be wrong.
Again, these are all simple paint fixes and I’m sure Gametoys will adjust accordingly. They have a really good track record of laying waste to their own prototypes with the final product, something few other companies can say. I feel like the Toys Era Aerith has a similar problem with trying to capture the proper look of Aerith’s eyes. They need to be about ten percent larger. I’m not sure what else they could do to fix the paint/sculpt though, as it’s already pretty good.
Gametoys might actually be able to perfect Aerith. We’ll see. I’m debating on whether or not to just go ahead and order the Toys Era Aerith. It’s a tough choice. I hate reselling figures.
There’s one issue with this Tifa that won’t be fixed upon release though—as the sculpt is basically finalized at this point, I’m guessing—and that’s the overexposed right ear. In her natural resting state, her right ear is just barely visible through the volume of her hair. However, Gametoys have sculpted her in a way that her ear literally parts her hair. It’s jarring at first, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it.
These are honestly normal critiques. If people didn’t care, they wouldn’t post. It’s not bashing the figure or anyone. It’s just normal nitpicking, which we all do. Coming into a thread just to throw in an obligatory “pre-ordered” post adds a whole lot less to the thread. I guess it’s great for judging excitement level though?
Anyway, is this still the best Tifa we could hope for? Of course. But I feel like people are naturally going to be overly picky with Tifa and Aerith and Cloud. And maybe Sephiroth? If you’re an overly obsessed fangirl, which I’ve seen a few. People seem to have a really hard time capturing their likenesses in 3D form, when it’s not a statue.
Still, Gametoys proved they could do it with Cloud and even he’s not 100% perfect. However, you can look over at him on your shelf and immediately feel like he came straight out of the game. All I know is, I’m grateful we have these figures—as the Final Fantasy VII Remake is my favorite game that’s ever been made, period. I have Sephiroth and Cloud and now having Tifa to go with them is awesome.
Can’t wait to add Aerith and Barret at some point. Aerith should be easy enough for them to do? Barret will need a custom body though, to get that bulky profile of his. That Sharktoys figure just looks way off, due to the body type.
Learn to read, I guess?Bro write a novel about plastic
Then we wouldn't see Noctis until 2036. Their release schedule is glacial, the last thing I'd want them to do is slow down. The teasers also show that they have no intention of doing full lines. VII is great but I like all the games. I'd rather see characters from different games if their releases are going to be so far apart.Noctis already?
They should slow that down until they wrap up the FFVII Remake lineup. I feel like focusing on one specific game (to include Advent Children as well, since it’s part of the same continuity) for now is preferred. Starting up on figures from another Final Fantasy game and then not finishing either line, due to any unforeseen circumstances (and I don’t say that lightly) would just suck.
Pretty sure GT boss has no intention of doing a Barret, I think that's been said by Walter in the past. And its not like GT is exclusive to FF7 now as it is with the Death Note figures coming later this year early next year.Even if they ditch Final Fantasy VII Rebirth for the time being and only do Aerith and Barret (I highly doubt they would bother with Red XIII), that’s still two more figures… one which will need even more development time than Tifa, because of how big of a guy Barret is.
And let’s assume they’re doing at least an AC Sephiroth—that’s three figures they still have to make, along with AC Cloud and Remake Tifa.
Noctis would just get in the way for now. They can move on to the core FFXV gang afterwards and it would still only be a few years off? Pretty sure it would just be the main four guys in the group. I don’t see Prompto or anyone else doing too well.
It’s a solid game, and also really long, been playing it for over 3 days and I’m not sure if I’m half way done yet or notAll this crazy debate for the past week, but has anyone been playing FF16? I didn't know expect myself to enjoy it as much as I thought I would!
I would have taken your offer if I am from Canada. Thanks for the generous offer though.Are you in Canada by chance? I ordered 3. 1 deluxe and 2 solo Clouds. I might give up my PO for one, but Kit said the recipient needs to be within the same country, and I'm in Canada.
Sorry, got the names mixed up. I meant to say Ardyn? He’s the main villain, if I’m remembering correctly. I just don’t see anything selling well but the main four guys. They could hardly sell the PAK figures, but the main four damn sure sold out.Prompto is one of the main four, and the only one other than Noctis that I'd buy. Gladio was an annoying character and I don't like Ignis design.
I’ve heard mixed things about it. I won’t get to play it until I get a PS5 to play FFVII Rebirth though. I’ve been holding out until then. It’s been saving me a lot of money so far. So, no complaints.All this crazy debate for the past week, but has anyone been playing FF16? I didn't know expect myself to enjoy it as much as I thought I would!
So, they don’t intend to do Barret at all, ever? That’s disappointing. That Sharktoys figure is kinda meh.Pretty sure GT boss has no intention of doing a Barret, I think that's been said by Walter in the past. And its not like GT is exclusive to FF7 now as it is with the Death Note figures coming later this year early next year.
I ended up buying a second set of deluxe.my guess is during the release. not everyone able to pay the balance. currently you still can find ac +fenrir around 3000rmb in china 闲鱼. if you know how to buy it.
Aerith has been teasedIs there any indication they would do Aerith? I can’t imagine that would be too difficult for them. At least with Barret, I can sort of understand. The dude is bulky as hell and it’s not like they can just pad out a suit.
I definitely missed that. Was there a pic or something? I don’t come here often anymore. Usually just to check this thread once in a blue moon and whenever Neca drops TMNT garbage.Aerith has been teased