Super Freak
My issue with Hot Toys is their damn overuse of pleather and not bleeding the dye out of their fabric materials before cutting. Is it really that hard? No, because we can do it, if we catch the figure early enough at release. Shouldn’t have to strip a figure to bleed the dye though.Have you seen their new Flash supergirl..?Well deserved for how much they charge and how limited their articulation is nowadays.. *cough* Venom *cough* Carnage and more.. I used to be a HUGEEE Hot Toys head. I would defend them to death at one point. Only ones I have left are my Metal Gear Rising Raidens and Pennywise. And MAYBE I'll hunt down some more star wars.. GT figures have legit made my jaw drop. Every single one so far. Same with Rocket Toys, some Inart and I'm also loving the Iconiq Studios SF line. But back to GT.. Bruh what happened to Vincent anyway?! I need some updateeee
They also suck complete ass at capes and cloaks 90% of the time and that’s being generous. I guess it’s making some people a fair bit of money on the side though. Custom capes are certainly the way to go.
Yep, I thought it was pretty ballsy of them to put the names on the boxes and the store listings. Most companies don’t do that.It actually makes a lot of sense why they didn’t name their Tifa anything but the SKU, either. Cloud and Sephiroth literally have their names plastered across the box. Will be interesting to see if that’s the case for AC Cloud (I think the product had the Cloud name on retailer sites), but I’m going to guess it won’t be for Tifa.