Super Freak
This has kinda been the point of some of the posts in here recently. We know this Tifa is already far better than Cloud. And Cloud was VASTLY improved. People still bitched about Cloud. Most are just pointing out some small nitpicks that “hopefully” get hammered out in the final production. I think we can all agree that most of us interested in this have already pre-ordered it. And some went way overboard.? As a spy, I always here.
For summary ,boss will always appreciate those fans who truly support gt. For those who had doubt the current path of gt(tifa),please do recall back to previous product of gt.Do you felt disappointed when you received it?(in term of HS quality since those debate focus on tifa HS).remake cloud,zack,sephi.
Ask ourself,put our self in gt viewpoint. You done your best on the figure,you do every aspect of R&D for the figure.tested every material ,fight/argue with factory side etc etc. Even its aldy the best in market. But you will make continuous improvement before/during the production. Hell if your purpose of creating gt is just to earn profit,ideally 90% quality matched with preorder picture is just fine right?Why keep delaying the release and improve it?You revised the figure few times before open the preorder,and yet some people will still nitpicking with microscope.
Gt also need our support wholeheartedly. It goes both ways. Yes i always agree to disagree. Different people different way of thoughts. I will just not going to debate with those who said gt tifa is failure/subpar/trash etc. Its just too over for me,i mean really ?failure ?trash?this tifa?but hey ignore me.Just saying my feeling.
Agree to disagree. Im not buying tifa. I mostly collect male figure. My personal opinion regarding tifa is :Maybe its just the painting/lens perspective that make you guys doubt the HS.
I found some chat from boss this morning regarding the changes of REMAKE CLOUD-Preorder VersionVS Released Version.Big huge different right?The release version is so much better.
Preorder Version
View attachment 647457
Actual Release version
View attachment 647458
We all might thought gt redo the 3d model.
Boss: Actually its the same 3d model,I just changed the painting style/method.
so,I believe tifa will just be fine.As least 98% matched.
As for this other nonsense, anyone who is saying the figure is a failure or trash is sniffing far too much hamburger helper from their mamma’s Tupperware. And worse still, the people that keep complaining about any of the criticisms are just wasting their time, in all honesty. Yourself included. As for the comparison grid whateverthe****, I barely paid it any mind, because I already know the issues I personally have with the figure are just concerning minor paint details at best. It’s still **** I’d like to see them fix though.
I’ll keep saying it, take the critiques in stride. It’s how companies grow, learn, adapt and evolve their craft. Calling the figure a failure is a tad too much, for something of this quality and this caliber—there’s no denying that. It’s not like when Asmus recently unveiled DMC:V Trish—which left a lot to be desired. And because of the concerns, I’m sure Asmus will be tweaking that headsculpt. Same as with the new Supergirl that Hot Toys just showed off.

I have Death Note on blu ray, saw the entire run on Adult Swim a lifetime ago and even watched the Netflix live-action movie once or twice and I just really don’t care to get the GT figures at all. I can firmly say I don’t own anything but the Blu Ray collection. It’s a decent show, I guess, if a little emo.Bruh I'm just happy to have her from the same company I have some of my favorite figures from. I'm very happy with how she looks and I love the accessories and I can't wait for their next releases. I'm not even a Noctis fan in any way, but the fact that the figures of him look so good, made me want to go and rewatch or replay the game just to appreciate the figures even more. I literally saw just the Noctis headsculpt and said to myself "oh yeah I'm getting that....."I've never even seen Death Note.. But as soon as I saw those GT figure updates, I was like "dang.. Ima have to watch this show.." and funny enough, as soon as I finished the show, the figures went up for preorder in THAT week! It was crazy for me. And now I can't wait to get those in hand and replicate those scenes now that I have my D.N. knowledge. Even plan to buy a Death Note book prop to put behind them. And maybe their Nendoroid versions in front of them lol. Again, I'm gonna always support GT. I have 1 Sephiroth, 2 AC Clouds, 2 Zacks, 4 Tifas, 3 Lights, 2 Ls, 2 Ichigos and still working on getting Remake Cloud
lol.. Just hope that someday.. SOMEDAY.. I can get the figures I really REALLY want from them.. *cough* AC Remnants *cough cough* Fran *cough*
One can dream..
And you would really get figures of the three stooges? Man, I hated those guys. Worst part of AC for me. Also felt like it made Sephiroth just a little too godlike. Which, I guess he kinda is now, especially after the Remake.

Noctis looks pretty good. I don’t even fancy that game, even having played through it in just a few sittings, and I’ll admit it’s mildly tempting. Still, I just don’t care much for having too many figures outside of FFVII and FFXIII. Keeping my ocd in check this time around.
Completely agree.Yes, the release version of Cloud is undeniably better than the proto.
But as I've already said, Tifa's proto has already been reworked several times before showing the pre-order proto, I don't think that was the case for Cloud.
So they may have reworked Cloud's proto before release and after pre-orders, but will this still be the case for Tifa whose proto has already been reworked several times?
The thing that reassures me is that you say that for Cloud the modifications were only made to the painting style/method that was improved on the final product, and that's exactly the only thing that needs to be reworked for Tifa.
So I'm keeping my hopes up for the improvement of the Tifa release version, and if they proceed as they did with Cloud, the final result should be very good.
Also, is that really true about Cloud? Because it certainly looks like a lot more than just a new paint job. The eyes look like they might be entirely resculpted?
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