It makes all those Jack-O cast off poses look super tame.Well now I really want to know what it was.
Just picture GameToys Tifa spread eagle on a chair pissing into a cup that's on the floor, except it's a statue.Well now I really want to know what it was.
Don't get yourself banned now, I need RDR John updates!
So... Is it like one that you plug in with running water or...?Just picture GameToys Tifa spread eagle on a chair pissing into a cup that's on the floor, except it's a statue.
So... Is it like one that you plug in with running water or...?
I'm going to receive my Cloud + Fenrir tomorrow, I'm afraid to open the box![]()
So... Is it like one that you plug in with running water or...?
Hopefully you'll be fine, I was just extremely unlucky.I'm going to receive my Cloud + Fenrir tomorrow, I'm afraid to open the box![]()
I mean Blu tac from the pauldron crevice into the joint to have a tighter fit. Plumbers tape can also be an alternative too.Blu-tac connecting the shirt and pauldron? I hope it works. I wonder if you put tac on the shoulder skin if it'll stick at all. They said medical grade body, but real medical grade wouldn't hold any paints, etc except psycho paints which is a good way to test if it's real, but I'm obviously not going to mod it in any way. A lot of these companies have been lying about medical grade unfortunately.
Keep us posted! Seems like it'll be what the US releases look like.My set(s) will be arriving tomorrow.
Wish me luck.
You have no idea how nervous I am.
This, Gandalf were my most anticipated figures of this year.
I’ll be devastated if they arrived….*gulp*…damaged.
Of course, we know it's not Kit's fault.Will do man!
Now I wanna give everyone a heads up!-
When we all receive our initial batch from OSK, a couple of things to keep in mind:
1- it isn’t Kit’s fault if your sets are damaged (it isn’t any vendors fault to be honest. GT are the ones that thought it was a good idea to package their products this way) He’s just the middleman. If the product you get is completely jacked up, just send a passionate but calm email his way. I’m sure he’ll make it right for you.
2- please be respectful to Kit. (i hope he doesn’t kill me by sharing this great news with everyone) His 2nd child was born today and undoubtedly he’ll be pretty busy throughout the Chinese holidays AND after. So If he doesn’t reply right away, DON’T PANIC. He WILL get back to you. He’s a really cool guy and a collector himself. he knows what it’s like to receive less than optimal products.
3- you really shouldn’t direct any anger towards anyone truthfully…even GT. They had their reasons for the choices they made. I’m confident they’ll make it right as well. Issuing a callback of their stock and adjusting the packaging is the right choice, albeit with another small delay…which will be worth it in the end if the adjustments make a difference.
how they handle the damaged ones is the true test of their integrity. IF my set is damaged beyond a simple repair and they say “sorry can’t help you there”…well, not gonna lie, it’ll be the last time I buy a GT product and effectively cancel my POs of Death Note duo, Tifa and any potential purchases. Doesn’t matter how amazing their future figures are…if they don’t right their wrongs, I can’t in good conscience support a company that allows their customer to pay for a mistake they caused.
Of course, I DON’T want it to get to that point.
So…good luck to everyone. I’ll report back on the condition of my sets asap.
Of course, we know it's not Kit's fault.
This has nothing to do with him, on the contrary he protects the box even better for transport.
If the Clouds are damaged, it's only Gametoys fault, who wanted to save money on packaging, something which could ultimately cost them more than if they had used the same foam as for the Cloud Remake given the damage that this has caused in many people
Yep unfortunately, it’s sadThat’s the ironic thing here![]()