OK kids! This is it! Hang on to your hats, 'cause this one's a toughie!!!
Oh, and to pick them out by a standard for all, go by ROWS, left to right, 1 through 4,
and in each row, from backmost kid to front, A to whatever number, in each row.
So, like, the little blond girl with the red dress is
ROW 2/Kid C. That kind of thing.
Left to Right/Back to front!
Good luck and hope you win!!! Oh and Happy Holidays!
Where am I????
Who is SHE???
Which kid is my lifelong buddy???
In the case that no one picks all three, the person or persons that get the first or first and second challenges correct will be eligible for the video drawing to decide who wins the available prizes. SO,
you still might win something if you try!!!!