J Rodimus
Freaked Out
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. Please see previous page. Any info and feedback is really appreciated. Thanks.
Hello everyone. Let me start off by saying I'm sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I have an issue with my Vega PF. While looking at the pics posted by averone in the Cammy PF thread I realized what bugged me from time to time about my Vega PF to be a big problem.
The problem is that my statue is leaning over way too much. I have the SSC excl Vega PF. I got it about 2 months after it was available due to payments using FLEXPAY. I noticed from the 1st day I received it that it leaned over a little bit. At the time and up until a couple of days ago I thought that it was the way it was supposed to be. Some of the pictures I had seen online looked as though it was supposed to lean over a little bit.
Prior to writing this post I looked again online for more in hand pics and all of the statues seem to stand up straight. Most pics were of the green CSC excl tough. I'm not completely sure, but it may have gotten worse over time. I've always kept it on a flat even surface so I don't feel that it was ever a contributing factor. Today I checked for any cracks or breaks and didn't find anything except for a cut in the left leg where it was probably attached by the manufacturing workers or so I believe. The feet seem to be parallel with the base. It's not coming off the base or anything.
If those of you that have it could give me some feedback or post pics of yours I would really appreciate it. Pics of mine are below. Please note that the red sash is not normally on the stomach area. I lifted it up to show the pics under the pants. Thanks.
Yeah thats definitely not correct.
Email me your name and address to [email protected] and I will send you a replacement.
One thing...I only have a couple regulars left ...no EXs. Sorry wish I had one for you.