For the movie buffs out there...your top 3 films ever created

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TOE said:
I like your taste brother :cool: I Love Battle of Algiers.

Battle of Algiers is tied for my all-time favorite foreign film (City of God is right up there for me also). The 3-disc Criterion DVD is one of the highlights of my DVD collection.

In terms of "impact", meaning movies that resonate emotionally, I'd have to say:

1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Nashville
3. Shawshank Redemption

Can Watch Over and Over

1. Star Wars Saga
2. Jaws
3. Boogie Nights (Anderson's directorial style is a rip-off of many, but damn I love this movie)
to damn hard to list 3 movies, but i'll ask a question.

which version of Hidden Fortress is the best? Criterion? and i don't suppose there's a dubbed version? i don't mind subs but the wife hates 'em.
My real favorite movies...

Western: Tombstone
Drama: The Departed
Comedy: Top Secret
Romance: The Notebook
Animation: Robin Hood
Action: The Bourne Idenity
War: Braveheart
Adventure: Robin Hood: Prince of Theives
Horror: Shawn of the Dead (I hate horror movies, S of the D is the closest horror movie that I will watch.)
Classic: Casablanca
Musical:Moulin Rouge

Sorry for going favorite movie crazy
pixletwin said:
Mannequin? Thats it, your opinion card has been revoked! :lol

I know, everyone ribs me for that one. But honestly, ive never laughed so much as a kid, and i still love watching it now, at a grand old age of 33 !
elwood49 said:
Can Watch Over and Over
Boogie Nights (Anderson's directorial style is a rip-off of many, but damn I love this movie)
I totally agree with this. Great freaking movie.
1. Lord of the Rings (extended version)
2. Lord of the Rings (theatrical version)

another great movie is The Station agent!!! Love it! The soundtrack to it is also great!!!!

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