An updated picture with my 2 Vader sabers at the new house:

Nice! I hope to be buying some wall mounts for my FX sabers but its the full size maul and the Dooku I have having trouble finding a position for (odd shape handle and the other is very long!).
I treated myself to the Anakin lightsaber with the removable blade. I got lucky and got it on sale at Amazon for half the price (~$65)! It's fun that when you have the blade off and try to turn it on, it gives you "static" sounds, like the lightsaber is broken!
A guy on the RPF built this:
using a FX soundboard, blade (although he replaced the LEDs for brighter ones) and machined the parts. Until Hasbro or whomever can provide one like this, all others are inferior.
don't see any posting regarding a query of mine, does anyone know how to clean / remove the sticky substance off a vader hilt? kept mine boxed for a couple of months then displayed it just days ago. voila! some sticky substance i cant remove even with dishwashing liquid
I have used cologne or perfume on labels I remove. The oils seems to get sticky residue left off and smelling manly or pretty depending on the item you used. ***CAUTION***, I haven't used on something like that, only on the plastic packing of figures so I don't know if it would damage the item.