I am taking a bit of a break actually. Still buying HT figures but not unpacking any as I need to clean and reorganize my living room and finish my custom shelf, few cases and the coffee table. But one day when I have more time and skills I want to make a deep frame and recreate the scene where the MF is hiding latched on the star destroyer using one of my Finemolds
That was always my favourite scene were the MF is not actually in action.
I love this table so much I already bought the Granas dining table (got lucky and got a real sweet deal for just the table frame from as-is) to convert in the future when I have more room, Actually I also got a second Granas coffee table as well in storage for future expansions so when I actually have a dedicated room in the far far future I can make a whole bunch of displays with all Granas frames
Yeah I went a little nutts but these are relatively cheap to snatch up used and I am still keeping an eye on these in the used market
I actually am gathering parts to modify my custom shelf to add shelf lights with aluminum frames that I snatched up from work... so much to do so little time ..... arghhhh still have to finish my custom Monitor mount with a new ergotron arm