Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

Thank you!

That's the expensive part, and it's just the compressor and airbrush either, those you can get deals on. It's the paints and mediums. There's so many different paints and mediums and surface primers that do different things you can spend a fortune trying to find and get what you like.
I've been using Vallejo acrylics lately to paint miniatures. They seem to work good for me. I painted this WOW Alien base. Nothing spectacular but I'm proud of it. [emoji4]

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

Thats awesome! Nice clean work.

Thanks a lot! It does look a little better in person. It's all matte coated except the red vein/vines which I gloss varnished with a brush, along with the coffee spill. They took forever lol. I screwed up the paint on the Alien so bad I had to buy another one and haven't put him together yet. :slap
Re: Freaktacular 2015

So I grabbed my morning coffee and settled down at the computer at my house to just surf for a while, and started looking for something to put my coffee on. I found this coaster from Spooktacular kits past:


I sure do miss the Spooktacular kits.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I LOVE that hoodie! Still wear mine too.

I have a "Sleep is for the Weak" shirt that I still wear, too.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Thanks a lot! It does look a little better in person. It's all matte coated except the red vein/vines which I gloss varnished with a brush, along with the coffee spill. They took forever lol. I screwed up the paint on the Alien so bad I had to buy another one and haven't put him together yet. :slap
Yeah. Ive been using krylon matte coat but I need to get a dull coat too because sometimes the matte still leaves a shine. I use the gloss coat for teeth and eyes. Works nicely.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Josh-A-Tron has much to be proud of. Patriot666 is just really nice. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I forgot about that water bottle SuperDoug! My daughter uses it with her lunch kit for school. I can pretty much guarantee she's the only kid at her school with a SSC water bottle!
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Since I decided to make “prize packs” instead of a specific prize for each contest (I want to hopefully give people a chance to pic something they like) I am going to “weigh” my contests based on difficult so that way the harder contest winner gets the higher pick of the packs. I will post on each contest which spot the winner gets then at the end everyone can pick their prize in order. I hope that makes sense but if it doesn’t I don’t care because it makes sense to me and that’s all that matters. :) Now here are all the prizes you can win this year..... First contest will start later this afternoon.

A. IMG_20151010_084935.jpg

B. IMG_20151007_204153559.jpg

C. IMG_20151007_204207748.jpg

D. IMG_20151010_085003.jpg

E. IMG_20151007_204307566.jpg
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Re: Freaktacular 2015

Those are ALL great prizes, Madden! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us.